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Releases: TuGraph-family/tugraph-db

Version 4.5.1

04 Dec 06:21
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4.5.1 (2024-12-03)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Initially support vector index feature

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. modify exists execution plan (#670)
  2. Fix lgraph_cli hang after a error query (#692)
  3. Capture more system signals (#705)
  4. Add core dump path (#698)
  5. Add missing pair_unique in output of dbms.graph.getGraphSchema() (#707)
  6. Fix bolt coredump (#718)
  7. support node by label range scan (#722)
  8. Skip empty value when adding index (#761)
  9. add some string handling functions (#785)
  10. Add time print for lgraph_cli (#787)
  11. add ReplaceNodeScanWithIndexSeek optimization rule (#801)

4.5.1 (2024-12-03)


  1. 初步支持向量索引功能


  1. 修复exists语句错误的执行计划 (#670)
  2. 修复lgraph_cli异常卡主 (#692)
  3. 捕获更多的异常信号,程序崩溃时打印 (#705)
  4. 日志里面添加coredump路径打印 (#698)
  5. 修复dbms.graph.getGraphSchema输出内容pair_unique字段缺失 (#707)
  6. 修复bolt协议异常coredump (#718)
  7. 优化索引的使用 (#722)
  8. 索引不支持空字符串 (#761)
  9. 添加一些字符串处理函数 (#785)
  10. lgraph_cli添加执行时间显示 (#787)
  11. 查询索引优化,in操作符过滤下推 (#801)

Version 4.5.0

14 Sep 01:54
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Version 4.5.0 (2024-09-05)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Cypher & gql ast are unified, and the query engine is fully upgraded. (#597)(#604)(#644)(#651)
  2. The browser front-end architecture is upgraded to support graph analysis. (#658)

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Cypher supports parsing emoji symbols. (#657)
  2. The format of lgraph_cli output execution plan is optimized. (#648)
  3. Optimize the performance of variable-length path queries. (#622)
  4. Support using pair unique index to upsert edges. (#636)
  5. Cypher supports map type parameters when querying points and edges. (#603)

Interface Modification:

  1. Add code type to the list plugin return result. (#642)
  2. Enrich the result content returned by algo procedure and support output to files. (#634)(#637)(#641)(#643)
  3. Support using DataX to import TuGraph. (#629)

Version 4.5.0 (2024-09-05)


  1. cypher & gql ast统一完成,查询引擎全面升级。(#597)(#604)(#644)(#651)
  2. browser前端架构升级,支持图分析。(#658)


  1. cypher支持解析emoji符号。(#657)
  2. lgraph_cli输出执行计划格式优化。(#648)
  3. 优化可变长路径查询性能。(#622)
  4. 支持使用pair unique索引upsert边。(#636)
  5. cypher查询点边时支持map类型参数。(#603)


  1. list plugin返回结果增加code type。(#642)
  2. 丰富algo procedure返回结果内容,支持输出到文件。(#634)(#637)(#641)(#643)
  3. 支持使用DataX导入TuGraph。(#629)

Version 4.3.2

29 Jul 01:53
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Version 4.3.2 (2024-07-25)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Optimize browser architecture and set as the default web.(#608)
  2. Add support for vector data type.(#475)

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix cypher edge property filter does not work.(#559)
  2. Reduce the size of rpm package.(#556)
  3. Cypher performance optimization.(#570)(#575)
  4. Fix the issue that "orderby" variable is not in "return" clause.(#585)
  5. Allows to set empty graph in bolt client session.(#589)
  6. Documentation fixes.(#563)(#567)(#574)(#569)
  7. cypher and gql use the same ast node.(#561)(#581)(#577)

Interface Modification:

  1. Shortest path procedure support multiple edge filter.(#560)

Version 4.3.2 (2024-07-25)


  1. browser前端架构优化,并设置为默认前端。(#608)
  2. 初步支持向量数据类型。(#475)


  1. 修复边属性条件过滤不生效。(#559)
  2. 优化RPM包产出物的大小,去掉一些不再用的文件。(#556)
  3. cypher语句性能优化。(#570)(#575)
  4. 修复cypher order by报错。(#585)
  5. bolt客户端支持不强制设置graph名字。(#589)
  6. 文档修复。(#563)(#567)(#574)(#569)
  7. cypher & gql ast统一。(#561)(#581)(#577)


  1. 内置最短路径存储过程支持多个边条件过滤。(#560)

Version 4.3.1

03 Jul 07:00
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Version 4.3.1 (2024-06-13)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Support non-unique composite index
  2. Cypher supports GQL ASTNode parsing links
  3. Support bolt data transfer over websocket

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix the built-in stored procedure algo.native.extract
  2. Other bug fixes

Interface Modification:

  1. The function of adding and deleting procedures is not enabled by default when lgraph_server is started. Enable_procedure must be configured to true to add and delete procedures
  2. The java client adds a callCypher interface to return header information

版本 4.3.1 (2024-06-13)


  1. 支持非唯一组合索引
  2. cypher支持GQL ASTNode解析链路
  3. 支持通过websocket进行Bolt数据传输


  1. 修复内置存储过程algo.native.extract
  2. 其他错误修复


  1. lgraph_server启动时默认不打开增删procedure的功能,需配置enable_procedure为true才可增删procedure
  2. java client新增callCypher接口可返回header信息

Version 4.3.0

03 Jun 08:40
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Version 4.3.0 (2024-05-21)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Integrate TuGraph-DB to GraphRAG framework in DB-GPT:
  2. Support using TuGraph-DB in DB-GPT:
  3. Support quick schema changes in detached property model.
  4. Support composite index

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Add new built-in procedures: upsertVertexByJson, upsertEdgeByJson, createVertexLabelByJson, createEdgeLabelByJson, dropAllVertex.
  2. Support user-defined snapshot start time in HA mode.
  3. Add new functions for spatial data type.
  4. Add development guide doc
  5. Other bug fixes.

Interfaces Modification:

  1. data imported in detached property model by default.
  2. new configuration ha_first_snapshot_start_time added.

版本4.3.0 (2024-05-21)


  1. DB-GPT中实现TuGraph上的知识图谱构建与检索:
  2. DB-GPT支持TuGraph:
  3. 属性分离模式下的schema变更优化,支持快速变更
  4. 支持组合索引


  1. 新增内置存储过程:upsertVertexByJson、upsertEdgeByJson、createVertexLabelByJson、createEdgeLabelByJson、dropAllVertex
  2. 支持自定义HA模式下snapshot开始时间
  3. 新增地理类型数据相关内置函数
  4. 新增开发者说明文档
  5. 其他错误修复


  1. 数据导入时默认为属性分离模式
  2. 启动参数新增ha_first_snapshot_start_time

Version 4.2.0

22 Apr 06:21
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Version 4.2.0 (2024-04-11)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Update the 2024 RoadMap.
  2. Document refactor: clearer document directory structure.
  3. HA support for the witness role, and the new HA management tool lgraph_peer.
  4. Bolt supports streaming returns and parameterized queries.

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Error code optimization.
  2. TuGraph-DB-Browser integration package optimization.
  3. Support for fast online full import in HA mode.
  4. Support for multiple cpp file uploads in stored procedures.
  5. Audit log is now in JSON format.
  6. Document error fixes.
  7. Other bug fixes.

Interfaces Modification:

  1. Bolt supports streaming and parameterized queries.
  2. Support for multiple cpp files when uploading stored procedures.

版本4.2.0 (2024-04-11)


  1. 更新2024年的RoadMap
  2. 文档重构:更加清晰文档目录结构
  3. HA支持witness角色,并新增HA管理工具lgraph_peer
  4. bolt支持流式返回、参数化查询


  1. 错误码优化
  2. TuGraph-DB-Browser集成打包优化
  3. 支持HA模式下的全量快速在线导入
  4. 存储过程支持多个cpp文件上传
  5. Audit log变为Json形式
  6. 文档错误修复
  7. 其他错误修复


  1. bolt支持流处理和参数化查询
  2. 存储过程支持多个cpp文件上传

Version 4.1.0

27 Dec 06:23
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4.1.0 (2023-12-25)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Compatibility with the Bolt protocol, supporting Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, Rust, and CLI clients.

  2. Support for fast online full import.

  3. Implementation of asynchronous task management.

  4. Support for spatial data types.

  5. Evolution of GQL functionalities.

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Graph learning engine now supports labeled graphs.

  2. Asynchronous storage snapshot support for high availability.

  3. Enhancement of edge indexes, addition of pair-unique uniqueness.

  4. Decoupling of the KV layer abstraction.

  5. Support for M1 Docker.

  6. Optimization of the CI/CD process, significantly reducing CI time.

Interfaces Modification:

  1. Addition of the Bolt protocol standard.

  2. Support for spatial data types.

  3. The is_unique parameter in indexes now uses the IndexType enumeration, affecting the AddVertexIndex and AddEdgeIndex interfaces.

Version 4.0.1

28 Sep 07:40
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4.0.1 (2023-9-28)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Support Temporal order

  2. Add 5 algorithms

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Python procedure can be killed immediately

  2. Extend label name length to 255 bytes

  3. Other bug fix

Interfaces Modification:

  1. Fix temporal keyword in import.conf

Version 4.0.0

06 Sep 13:32
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4.0.0 (2023-9-6)

Breaking Changes:

  1. ISO GQL support

  2. Add 11 graph algorithms

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Official m1 docker

  2. TuGraph-DB Browser support explore

  3. Index bug fix during import

  4. Other bug fix

Interfaces Modification:

  1. Proto version upgraded to 1.2.0

  2. ISO GQL query interface in client

Version 3.6.0

16 Aug 11:18
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3.6.0 (2023-8-11)

Breaking Changes:

  1. High availability support

  2. Log system upgrade

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Token fix

  2. Friendly ci log

  3. Mircosecond support for Datatime

  4. Other bug fix