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Tsutomu's dotfiles

This is a collection of dotfiles that I use on a arch linux as usual. When you run the install script, you can make this customized environment onto arch, ubuntu, fedora and Mac OS X instantly.

Install and setup

These install methods will clone this repository at ~/.dotfiles and create symbolic links to .vim .tmux etc in ~/.dotfiles.

Standard method

bash <(curl -o-

It will install dependency packages if you have root privileges or belong to sudoers.

Without installing dependency packages

If you want not to install dependency packages, you can specify the option "-n" like below.

bash -- <(curl -o- -n

Clone with ssh protocol

Usually, the install script clone this repository by using https protocol but if you want to clone it by using ssh protocol, you can specify the option "-g" like below

bash -- <(curl -o- -g

Clone with specific branch or tag

This script can clone this specific branch or tag of repository for developers or the man who want to use other main versions of dotfiles.

bash -- <(curl -o-${branch}/ -b ${branch}

This command will clone the develop branch of the repository.

  • Images Basic visual

Tested distribution and OS

This dotfiles tested on distribution and OS like below.

Distribution or OS Condition
Arch ✔️       
Ubuntu ✔️        
Fedora ✔️       
MacOS ✔️
Debian ✔️       
CentOS ✔️

Recommended terminal emulators

This dotfiles tested on some emulators like below.

application OS Condition
Gnome terminal     Linux ✔️       
Konsole           Linux ✔️      
Terminal (Mac)     Mac ✔️      
iTerm (Mac)     Mac ✔️      

Applications and feathres

This dotfiles equipments some useful features.

Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. This dotfiles will install it and configure it. But some of distributions like CentOS, Debian are not prepared yet.

Distribution or OS Condition Remarks
Arch ✔️        Compatible!
Ubuntu ✔️         Compatible!
Fedora ✔️        Compatible!
Debian ✖️        Not Compatible yet.
CentOS ✖️ Not Compatible yet.
MacOS ✔️ Compatible!

Run vim and press "tr", then NERDTree will open.

vim-airline and vim-airline-themes provide cool status line for vim!

Terminal multiplexer tmux makes you easy to control multi terminal.

Lose shape

tmuxline makes your tmux interface cool and icons provides you useful informations.

icon description
Lose shape Hostname
Lose shape User name
Lose shape Load average
Lose shape Git branch name
Lose shape Index moditifed
Lose shape Updated files
Lose shape Deleted files
Lose shape Merge conflict
Lose shape Untracked files
Lose shape Ignored files

Local test

For developers, the install script in this repository could test with on docker container. Run the commands like below then the test cases will be started.

# docker build -t tsutomu/ubuntu-dotfiles --file ./test/container/ubuntu/Dockerfile .
# docker run --rm --volume ${PWD}:/home/foo/dotfiles -ti tsutomu/ubuntu-dotfiles su - foo -c "cd /home/foo/dotfiles && make test"

Frequently asked

Q. Will my dotfiles I'm using now has broken when installing this dotfiles?

Yes, this dotfiles will break your dotfiles using now. But don't worry about it because your dotfiles will be backupd into the directory ~/.backup_of_dotfiles. Restore your dotfiles as needed, please.

Q. Icons on vim and tmux are broken on my environment.

This dotfiles requires nerd-font. Your font-config will set your font-config on Linux such as Arch, Ubuntu, Fedora automatically but Mac won't. Please set your font as needed by your hand.

Concept (and goal) of this dotfiles

This dotfiles is developed on the concept as simple and visibility but utilities satisfactory. It is now under ongoing and will commit new customizations and ideas for continuously.


The code is available under the MIT license.