These scripts are for monitoring temperature on my Raspberry Pi 4. I use SQLite db for storing information about temperature and current time.
You should install sqlite3 on your system, if you don't already have with this command:
sudo apt install sqlite3
This script is for storing current temperature at given time.
I scheduled it to run every 10 minutes with crontab.
Example script called with crontab:
cd /home/user/scripts/measure_temp
source venv/bin/activate
Cronjob example:
*/10 * * * * ~/scripts/cron_scripts/
This script is for deleting old data from db.
Currently, it is set up to delete all records older than 3 days.
Example script called with crontab:
cd /home/user/scripts/measure_temp
python measure_temp
Cronjob example:
55 23 * * * ~/scripts/cron_scripts/
This script is called everytime, when any user ssh to Raspberry.
In order to run it, you have to add new script to /etc/update-motd.d directory.
Example script in /etc/update-motd.d
cd /home/user/scripts/measure_temp