Project -ConsoleMax-E-Sports Team – Noobloper (Single Member Team) This site is hosted using Github Page using git and github and by making repository over githhub. Refrences- Different images from Pexels and Unsplash (both sources are copyright free) are used. Favicon is made using Image and png credits- credits-Riot games and dnaindia Tech stack used for making this website is HTML5 and CSS3 along with JavaScript. No Frameworks were used in making this website.
This website i.e. is an e-Sports website which provides gaming tutorials, hosts gaming competitions and events. It aims for bringing up the gaming community together so that every gamer gets benefitted by learning from each other. It is multi page responsive website. It has a navigation bar and has an additional of hamburger menu to it. It has an active slideshow on the homepage. It has tutorial links and an achievements section along with a lucky draw form for winning free membership. It has an events page which lists upcoming events with description and participation links. It has a membership page which has a list of different memberships available and their descriptions. It has a membership form. It has a confirmation prompt and alert message will submitting the form. It has footer with contact and connect with us sections having social media links.
I was facing a lot of problem in making the navigation responsive and side by side make it aesthetic, this issue was resolved by making navigation bar as hamburger menu as soon as a certain width is achieved.
Moreover, I found it difficult to align the form labels and inputbox, this issue was resolved by keeping them in different divisons.
I learnt some important basics for creating a responsive footer with different sections and how to make a slideshow using javascript.