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Kickoff changelog

Z&er edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 1 revision

All latest changes are documented on our site at

7.1.0 - 10/08/2016

Switch javascript linting rules to use XO rules instead of AirBnB's rules. This was done to allow developers to enforce a strict code style with the minimal config. See below for the new js linting rules.

XO Default code style

Any of these can be overridden if necessary. See our package.json for all XO config.

  • Tab indentation
  • Semicolons
  • Single-quotes
  • No unused variables
  • Space after keyword if (condition) {}
  • Always === instead of ==

7.0.0 - 21/05/2016


  • Updated js to use ES6/ES2015 syntax to be transpiled using Babel (babelify Browserify transform)
  • Switched from jshint & jscs to ESLint. ESLint config is custom but heavily based on Airbnb's ESLint style guides.
  • Trak.js and Swiftclick not installed by default anymore
  • Included double-dollar to make life a little easier when looping over DOM elements
  • now used instead of shimly for all browser shims [9eb6a83]


  • Type vars are now in $type Sass map and reduced the number of items in the list.
  • Replaced the existing grid with a flexbox-based grid with fallbacks for browsers that do not support flexbox. Learn about the grid here
  • Removed $bp-single-col and moved all other breakpoint variables into a Sass map. The respond-* mixins were also improved to allow for different types of arguments, e.g. @include respond-min(mid) {...} or @include respond-min(500) {...} or @include respond-min(400px) {...}
  • Updated to [email protected]
  • Fixed an IE Print bug [111c0ce]
  • Add hypehenate helper class [c09b3d2]


  • Added Commitizen to help enforce consistent git commits.
  • Run npm run info to show information about all our npm run scripts. [413b191]
  • grunt checks task renamed to grunt test
  • Updated to latest version of all npm dependencies that comply with our browser support requirements
  • Updated to [email protected]
  • Removed Grunticon. Currently there is no icon replacement but we will provide instructions on how to add a better system soon
  • Update .editorconfig, .gitattributes & .gitignore


  • Changed #mainContent ID to be #main
  • Styleguide had some minor updates

Browser Support

  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer 8. Expect Kickoff to drop support for IE 9-11 within 6-12 months. [e70ab08]


  • Added a code of conduct [0a276de]

6.0.0 - 20/11/2015



  • Switched to use Browserify as the way to bundle all our javascript. If you would like to continue using the old style, please use either our Yeoman generator or the Grunt config from Kickoff v5.0.0. See the discussion about the change here.


  • Ref #53 - Move all components from scss/partials/components/*.scss to scss/components
  • The media object has been updated to ensure that it doesn't stack it's columns on skinny viewports by default but by the use of modifier classes. See the code here
  • Block grids have had many improvements thanks to @nicbell. There are now different modifier classes for each breakpoint, for example: <ul class="l-blockGrid l-blockGrid--4up l-blockGrid--2up--narrow l-blockGrid--6up--wide">
  • The custom form elements have been refactored & separated into their own files so that individual items can be imported instead of all of them.
    • the custom select element now allows :focus styles
    • custom checkboxes don't depend on SVGs and a tick variant has been added
  • Create new _links.scss and remove relevant code from _typography.scss
  • move (un)ordered & definition lists into _lists.scss
  • Simplified tables – now has sensible default values rather than classes as they are usually used as content


  • add grunt-filesizegzip to show file size and gzipped file size on save
  • Removed a few rarely-used grunt plugins
    • Grunt Photobox

5.0.0 - Date 19/05/2015

This release focuses on improving the UX of the framework. Files are now in more intuitive places and grunt configs are clearer as well.

  • Completely restructured the static files directories.
    • Moved all CSS, images & js into the ./assets directory
      • The ./assets/src directory for source files (SCSS, javascript, images & grunticon)
      • The ./assets/dist directory for all compiled files (CSS, images & JS) is at ./assets/dist
      • Grunticon's folders are now in more intuitive places. Uncompressed SVGs, jpgs & PNGs should be saved to ./assets/src/grunticon/source. They will then be compressed to ./assets/temp/icons before Grunticon does it's thing and compiles them to ./assets/dist/img/icons.
  • Grunt & build tasks - Much has been streamlined.
    • Connect has been removed & BrowserSync is now the only way to serve a static site & reload changes. Run grunt serve to test this.
    • Our config variables are now in their own file at ./_grunt-configs/config.js & have been made more intuitive
    • Images now are automatically compressed by grunt-contrib-imagemin & are delivered to ./assets/dist/img
  • Sass updates
    • Many style rules have been removed with a primary focus on making the framework leaner & more useful.
  • The styleguide has had a massive improvement & the start page has been removed. The styleguide has been moved to .styleguide/index.html
  • Running npm run kickoff now installs all package dependencies, including Grunt if you don't have it, and is a great way to start a Kickoff project
  • Removed 404
  • Removed ./js/helpers.js as redundant. Have provided some info if you need those files again.
  • Added HTML Validation check to the checks performed when running grunt checks task.
    • This outputs the results of the check to your terminal as well as to a JSON file located at ./testing/validation/validation-results.json

4.1.0 - Libsass - 18/05/2015

As node-sass has been updated to v2, we can now use grunt-sass with Kickoff. It is faster and removes the dependency on Ruby from Kickoff.

4.0.4 - Media query bugfix - 18/02/2015

Fixes a strange bug with our media-query mixins. Apparently em-based media-queries do not calculate correctly if the font-size differs from the user's default — usually 16px. At this point, we have hard-coded 16 into our media-query mixins until we can find a better solution.

4.0.3 - scss linting - 13/11/2014

scss linting has been added which meant refactoring many of Kickoff's *.scss files. Some minor changes to _tables.scss were also needed.

To try the linter, you can use the Sublime Text plugin or through grunt using grunt scsslint. We did our best to remove all warning and errors, that will need to be done in future releases

4.0.2 - 11/11/2014

Added a new Grunt variable for the images directory. Usage: <%=config.img.dir%>

4.0.1 - 26/10/2014

Darn! missed something in the 4.0.0 release.

Removed .btn--link and changed .btn-close to .btnClose

4.0.0 - 26/10/2014


  • Font sizes use a modular scale throughout (but can easily be overridden)
  • Sass vars fonts etc are shorter and more intuitive to use - hopefully they'll be easier to remember when developing.
  • Added simple responsive type to reduce the font size on smaller viewports. Modify $font-size-base-narrow in scss/_variables.css to change this.


  • All of the CSS3 mixins have been removed because we use Autoprefixer
  • Global Sass vars (_variables.css)
  • Breakpoint vars have been shortened from $breakpoint-* to $bp-*
  • Some of the grid vars have been moved to the more generic, $layout-* because they are not explicitly to do with the grid.
  • Other minor tweaks have also been made, so please read through this file to understand them.


  • We have removed many of the old 'helper' files and plugins, instead opting for dependencies found on the Bower registry.
  • Bower dependencies are installed to bower_modules. To change this, edit the .bowerrc file. The default dependencies that we suggest are Swiftclick, Trak.js, jQuery and Cookies
  • Shimly, a grunt plugin by Nic Bell is being used to generate a file of javascript shims. Have a look at _grunt-configs/javascript.js to find the Shimly settings.

Grunt & tooling

  • Livereload & grunt-contrib-connect have been dropped (but still included) in favour of BrowserSync (which handles both without a browser extension) for our live CSS updating and simple server needs. Running grunt serve will fire up a simple server and watch for changes, with the added benefits of BrowserSync's many features.
  • All grunt tasks have been moved into grouped separate files in the _grunt-configs folder. For example, _grunt-configs/css.js contains all the grunt tasks relating to CSS: Sass, Autoprefixer & CSSO (for minifying CSS. The _grunt-configs/javascript.js file contains the uglify (for concatenating and minfying js), shimly (for generating a javascript shims file), jshint and jQuery (for generating a custom jQuery build).
  • Extra grunt tasks have been added to help development. For example, running grunt icons will rebuild all the icons generated by Grunticon. grunt start will bring up a browser window with our 'getting started' guide, it also contains the simple styleguide for your project.
  • We have integrated a simple visual regression testing task, grunt-photobox, to help prevent deployment of broken code. See this for more info