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@mrmartineau mrmartineau released this 05 Mar 17:39
· 941 commits to master since this release

Fairly major cleanup and reorganisation, don't worry this is a good thing 👍


  • Gruntfile.js reorganised. Variables have been changed and moved to within the grunt.initconfig - we can now use <%=config.js.fileList%> for example - yay!
  • Linear and radial gradient mixins hugely simplified. The old ones were too complicated and buggy. If you want more complex CSS gradients, try Colorzilla's gradient generator instead.
  • The awesome Autoprefixer is now used by default (when compiling Sass) so you shouldn't need to use many of our mixins that deal with adding vendor prefixes anymore. Autoprefixer adds vendor prefixed based on data, with settings added in the Gruntfile. For more information about autoprefixer, please see
  • The grunt sass:dev task has now been renamed to grunt sass:kickoff
  • Split components.scss up so each component is now in its own individual file. They now reside in the scss/partials folder.
  • Update NPM devDependencies
  • Updated trak.js
  • Grunticon added with base settings. It use grunt-svgmin to minify all SVGs before conversion.
  • grunt-csso settings now implemented into grunt deploy task
  • Added scss/views folder with example _home.scss view
  • Add .bowerrc
  • Added new scss var for $gridMinWidth which is only used on <IE9 to stop
  • There were a few helper functions and mixins specifically for the linear and radial gradients, these have now been removed.
  • Removed animation.scss
  • The grunt sass:production task was removed in favour of grunt sass:kickoff (see above)
  • Removed availabletasks Grunt task because grunt --help is built in and better