Simple data processing on COVID-19 dataset for Hadoop and MapReduce warm up, using local single node Hadoop setup (using HDP sandbox).
1. Count the total number of reported cases for every country/location till April 8th, 2020 (
2. Report total number of deaths for every location/country in between a given range of dates (
3. Count the total number of cases per 1 million population for every country (
Virtual Machine Installation: Download and install a virtual machine client. Here, I used VirtualBox ( )
Download a Virtual machine image: HDP Sandbox (version 3.0.1 at the time of writing). Download a distribution matching with your virtual machine client (recommended: Virtualbox image i.e .ova file).
Start your VM client and load the Virtual machine image. Example: On VirtualBox select File -> Import Appliance.
- Click the folder icon and select the.ovf file from previous step.
- Recommended: Use a higher number of CPUs than default (1), such as 4, 6, 8+ (depending on how many CPUs are in your machine).
- Wait for VirtualBox to load the image. (It may take some time, so sit back and relax)
- Start the virtual machine by double-clicking its name in the menu.
ssh into the virtual machine
For UNIX (Mac/Linux):
Launch Terminal Type the following command ssh root@localhost -p 2222 On first successfull login, you'll be asked to renew the password for root
Test Hadoop Distributed File System: Execute "hdfs dfs -ls /" command on Terminal. You should see multiple directories listed by HDFS.
To view content a file in HDFS use:
hdfs dfs -cat path_in_hdfs
Download the content of a sample text file
wget http://<file_link>
List the content of the current directory
ls -lt
List the content of some directories on HDFS hdfs dfs -ls /user
hdfs dfs -ls /user/root
Put the text file into HDFS
hdfs dfs -put <data_file>.txt /user/root/<data_file>.txt
Open a text file and copy the content of the program source into the text editor. Save it as .java
Create a temporary build directory to store the compiled
mkdir build
Transfer .java to the sandbox
for UNIX (MacOS/Linux)
scp -P host_path_wordcount_file root@localhost:/
Compiling the code into Java bytecode
javac -cp `hadoop classpath` <filename>.java -d build -Xlint
Package the code into a JAR archive file
jar -cvf <filename>.jar -C build/ . ls -lt
(You should see there is a .jar file just being created)
Execute the MapReduce job with 2 parameters - input and output path
hadoop jar <filename>.jar <filename> /user/root/<data_file>.txt /user/root/<output>
View the content/result
hdfs dfs -cat /user/root/<output>/*
Remove the output directory
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/cloudera/<output>