Using Arduino, Three 74HC595 and One ULN2803 to display LED Matrix and send words to display from RS232. Schematic in File "Schematic" in "LED Matrix.rar" (Using Eagle Software to open it).
- Pin 12 connects to DS of 74HC595
- Pin 10 connects to SHCP of 74HC595
- Pin 11 connects to STCP of 74HC595
Three 74HC595
- Q0-Q7 connect to Row of LED Matrix
- Q7S (74HC595[1]) conncets to DS (74HC595[2])
- Q7S (74HC595[2]) conncets to DS (74HC595[3])
- Q7S (74HC595[2]) conncets to DS (74HC595[3])
One ULN2803
- 1B-8B connect to Pin 2-9 of Arduino
- 1C-8C connect to Column of LED Matrix
GND of Aruduino, ULN2803 and 74HC595 connect each other.
If you want to understand how 74HC595 works, you can see it in link: