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Make Simple Update automatically detect Sha256, SignatureSha256, and …
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…ProductCode without prompts (#61)

* Make Simple Update automatically detect Sha256, SignatureSha256, and ProductCode without prompts

* Add Parameter Mode (#64)

* Add Parameter Mode

* Update YamlCreate.ps1

* Update

Co-authored-by: Vedant Mohan Goyal <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Trenly and vedantmgoyal9 authored Sep 29, 2021
1 parent 3b26107 commit ff394be
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Showing 2 changed files with 87 additions and 138 deletions.
221 changes: 85 additions & 136 deletions Tools/YamlCreate.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ Param
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $PackageIdentifier,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $PackageVersion

[string] $PackageVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $Mode

if ($help) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Green' 'For full documentation of the script, see'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' 'Usage: ' -NoNewline
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'White' '.\YamlCreate.ps1 [-PackageIdentifier <identifier>] [-PackageVersion <version>] [-Settings]'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'White' '.\YamlCreate.ps1 [-PackageIdentifier <identifier>] [-PackageVersion <version>] [-Mode <1-5>] [-Settings]'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,120 +740,59 @@ Function Read-Installer-Values-Minimal {

# Request user enter the new Installer URL
$NewInstallerUrl = Request-Installer-Url
$_NewInstaller['InstallerUrl'] = $NewInstallerUrl

# Get or request Installer Sha256
# Check the settings to see if we need to display this menu
switch ($ScriptSettings.SaveToTemporaryFolder) {
'always' { $script:SaveOption = '0' }
'never' { $script:SaveOption = '1' }
'manual' { $script:SaveOption = '2' }
default {
$_menu = @{
entries = @('[Y] Yes'; '*[N] No'; '[M] Manually Enter SHA256')
Prompt = 'Do you want to save the files to the Temp folder?'
DefaultString = 'N'
switch ( KeypressMenu -Prompt $_menu['Prompt'] -Entries $_menu['Entries'] -DefaultString $_menu['DefaultString']) {
'Y' { $script:SaveOption = '0' }
'N' { $script:SaveOption = '1' }
'M' { $script:SaveOption = '2' }
default { $script:SaveOption = '1' }

# If user did not select manual entry for Sha256, download file and calculate hash
if ($script:SaveOption -ne '2') {
$start_time = Get-Date
Write-Host $NewLine
Write-Host 'Downloading URL. This will take a while...' -ForegroundColor Blue
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($NewInstallerUrl)
$script:dest = "$env:TEMP\$FileName"
$_NewInstaller['InstallerUrl'] = Request-Installer-Url

try {
$WebClient.DownloadFile($NewInstallerUrl, $script:dest)
} catch {
Write-Host 'Error downloading file. Please run the script again.' -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
} finally {
Write-Host "Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)" -ForegroundColor Green

$NewInstallerSha256 = (Get-FileHash -Path $script:dest -Algorithm SHA256).Hash
$MSIProductCode = $(Get-AppLockerFileInformation -Path $script:dest | Select-Object Publisher | Select-String -Pattern '{[A-Z0-9]{8}-([A-Z0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Z0-9]{12}}').Matches
if ($script:SaveOption -eq '1' -and -not($script:dest -match '\.(msix|appx)(bundle){0,1}$')) { Remove-Item -Path $script:dest }
# Download the file at the URL
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($($_NewInstaller.InstallerUrl))
$script:dest = "$env:TEMP\$Filename"
try {
$WebClient.DownloadFile($($_NewInstaller.InstallerUrl), $script:dest)
} catch {
Write-Host 'Error downloading file. Please run the script again.' -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
} finally {
# Get the Sha256
$_NewInstaller['InstallerSha256'] = (Get-FileHash -Path $script:dest -Algorithm SHA256).Hash
# Update the product code, if a new one exists
# If a new product code doesn't exist, and the installer isn't an `.exe` file, remove the product code if it exists
$MSIProductCode = [string]$(Get-AppLockerFileInformation -Path $script:dest | Select-Object Publisher | Select-String -Pattern '{[A-Z0-9]{8}-([A-Z0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Z0-9]{12}}').Matches
if (String.Validate -not $MSIProductCode -IsNull) {
$_NewInstaller['ProductCode'] = $MSIProductCode
} elseif ( ($_NewInstaller.Keys -contains 'ProductCode') -and ($script:dest -notmatch '.exe$')) {
# Manual Entry of Sha256 with validation
else {
do {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Red' $script:_returnValue.ErrorString()
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Green' -Object '[Required] Enter the installer SHA256 Hash'
$NewInstallerSha256 = Read-Host -Prompt 'InstallerSha256' | TrimString
$NewInstallerSha256 = $NewInstallerSha256.toUpper()
if ($NewInstallerSha256 -match $Patterns.InstallerSha256) {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::Success()
} else {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::PatternError()
} until ($script:_returnValue.StatusCode -eq [ReturnValue]::Success().StatusCode)
$_NewInstaller['InstallerSha256'] = $NewInstallerSha256

# If the installer is `msix` or `appx`, prompt for or detect additional fields
if ($_OldInstaller.InstallerType -ieq 'msix' -or $_OldInstaller.InstallerType -ieq 'appx') {
# Detect or prompt for Signature Sha256
if (Get-Command 'winget.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $NewSignatureSha256 = winget hash -m $script:dest | Select-String -Pattern 'SignatureSha256:' | ConvertFrom-String; if ($NewSignatureSha256.P2) { $NewSignatureSha256 = $NewSignatureSha256.P2.ToUpper() } }
if (String.Validate $NewSignatureSha256 -IsNull) {
# Manual entry of Signature Sha256 with validation
do {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Red' $script:_returnValue.ErrorString()
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' -Object '[Recommended] Enter the installer SignatureSha256'
$NewSignatureSha256 = Read-Host -Prompt 'SignatureSha256' | TrimString
if (String.Validate $NewSignatureSha256 -MatchPattern $Patterns.SignatureSha256 -AllowNull) {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::Success()
} else {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::PatternError()
} until ($script:_returnValue.StatusCode -eq [ReturnValue]::Success().StatusCode)
# If the installer is msix or appx, try getting the new SignatureSha256
# If the new SignatureSha256 can't be found, remove it if it exists
if ($_NewInstaller.InstallerType -in @('msix', 'appx')) {
if (Get-Command 'winget.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $NewSignatureSha256 = winget hash -m $script:dest | Select-String -Pattern 'SignatureSha256:' | ConvertFrom-String; if ($NewSignatureSha256.P2) { $NewSignatureSha256 = $NewSignatureSha256.P2.ToUpper() } }
# If the SignatureSha256 entered is empty; Ensure we remove it if it exists and don't add it if it doesn't exist
if ((String.Validate $NewSignatureSha256 -IsNull) -and ($_NewInstaller.Keys -contains 'SignatureSha256')) {
} elseif (String.Validate -Not $NewSignatureSha256 -IsNull ) {
if (String.Validate -not $NewSignatureSha256 -IsNull) {
$_NewInstaller['SignatureSha256'] = $NewSignatureSha256
} elseif ($_NewInstaller.Keys -contains 'SignatureSha256') {

if ($script:SaveOption -eq '1') { Remove-Item -Path $script:dest }

# Get the product code of the new installer
do {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Red' $script:_returnValue.ErrorString()
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' -Object '[Optional] Enter the application product code. Looks like {CF8E6E00-9C03-4440-81C0-21FACB921A6B}'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'White' -Object "ProductCode found from installer: $MSIProductCode"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'White' -Object 'Can be found with ' -NoNewline; Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'DarkYellow' 'get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name -AutoSize'
$NewProductCode = Read-Host -Prompt 'ProductCode' | TrimString

if (String.Validate $NewProductCode -MinLength $Patterns.ProductCodeMinLength -MaxLength $Patterns.ProductCodeMaxLength -AllowNull) {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::Success()
} else {
$script:_returnValue = [ReturnValue]::LengthError($Patterns.ProductCodeMinLength, $Patterns.ProductCodeMaxLength)
# If the installer is msix or appx, try getting the new package family name
# If the new package family name can't be found, remove it if it exists
if ($script:dest -match '\.(msix|appx)(bundle){0,1}$') {
try {
Add-AppxPackage -Path $script:dest
$InstalledPkg = Get-AppxPackage | Select-Object -Last 1 | Select-Object PackageFamilyName, PackageFullName
$PackageFamilyName = $InstalledPkg.PackageFamilyName
Remove-AppxPackage $InstalledPkg.PackageFullName
} catch {
} finally {
if (String.Validate -not $PackageFamilyName -IsNull) {
$_NewInstaller['PackageFamilyName'] = $PackageFamilyName
} elseif ($_NewInstaller.Keys -contains 'PackageFamilyName') {
} until ($script:_returnValue.StatusCode -eq [ReturnValue]::Success().StatusCode)

# If the product code entered is empty; Ensure we remove it if it exists and don't add it if it doesn't exist
if (String.Validate -not $NewProductCode -IsNull) {
$_NewInstaller['ProductCode'] = $NewProductCode
# We can't rely on the destination path in this case, since the SHA could have been entered manually
} elseif ( ($_Installer.Keys -contains 'ProductCode') -and ($_Installer.InstallerType -notin @('exe', 'nullsoft', 'inno'))) {

# Remove the downloaded files
Remove-Item -Path $script:dest
#Add the updated installer to the new installers array
$_NewInstaller = SortYamlKeys $_NewInstaller $InstallerEntryProperties -NoComments
$_NewInstallers += $_NewInstaller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1761,32 +1701,41 @@ $script:UsingAdvancedOption = ($ScriptSettings.EnableDeveloperOptions -eq 'true'
if (!$script:UsingAdvancedOption) {
# Request the user to choose an operation mode
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' "Select Mode:`n"
Write-Colors ' [', '1', "] New Manifest or Package Version`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '2', '] Quick Update Package Version ', "(Note: Must be used only when previous version`'s metadata is complete.)`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan', 'Green'
Write-Colors ' [', '3', "] Update Package Metadata`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '4', "] New Locale`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '5', "] Remove a manifest`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', 'Q', ']', " Any key to quit`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan', 'Red'
Write-Colors "`nSelection: " 'White'

# Listen for keypress and set operation mode based on keypress
$Keys = @{
[ConsoleKey]::D1 = '1';
[ConsoleKey]::D2 = '2';
[ConsoleKey]::D3 = '3';
[ConsoleKey]::D4 = '4';
[ConsoleKey]::D5 = '5';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad1 = '1';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad2 = '2';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad3 = '3';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad4 = '4';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad5 = '5';
if ($Mode -in 1..5)
$UserChoice = $Mode
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' "Select Mode:`n"
Write-Colors ' [', '1', "] New Manifest or Package Version`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '2', '] Quick Update Package Version ', "(Note: Must be used only when previous version`'s metadata is complete.)`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan', 'Green'
Write-Colors ' [', '3', "] Update Package Metadata`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '4', "] New Locale`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', '5', "] Remove a manifest`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan'
Write-Colors ' [', 'Q', ']', " Any key to quit`n" 'DarkCyan', 'White', 'DarkCyan', 'Red'
Write-Colors "`nSelection: " 'White'

# Listen for keypress and set operation mode based on keypress
$Keys = @{
[ConsoleKey]::D1 = '1';
[ConsoleKey]::D2 = '2';
[ConsoleKey]::D3 = '3';
[ConsoleKey]::D4 = '4';
[ConsoleKey]::D5 = '5';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad1 = '1';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad2 = '2';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad3 = '3';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad4 = '4';
[ConsoleKey]::NumPad5 = '5';
do {
$keyInfo = [Console]::ReadKey($false)
} until ($keyInfo.Key)

$UserChoice = $Keys[$keyInfo.Key]
do {
$keyInfo = [Console]::ReadKey($false)
} until ($keyInfo.Key)
switch ($Keys[$keyInfo.Key]) {
switch ($UserChoice) {
'1' { $script:Option = 'New' }
'2' { $script:Option = 'QuickUpdateVersion' }
'3' { $script:Option = 'EditMetadata' }
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions doc/tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If you have Git installed, you can also create the pull request for your manifes
# Command Line Arguments
When running YamlCreate through the command line, you can specify additional arguments such as the package identifier or the package version. You can also use the settings switch to open the settings file. More information on the available settings is below.

`.\YamlCreate.ps1 [-PackageIdentifier <identifier>] [-PackageVersion <version>] [-Settings]`
`.\YamlCreate.ps1 [-PackageIdentifier <identifier>] [-PackageVersion <version>] [-Mode <1-5>] [-Settings]`

# YamlCreate Settings
YamlCreate offers a few settings to customize your manifest creation experience. The settings file is found in the `%LOCALAPPDATA%\YamlCreate` folder. It is empty by default, but you can copy the sample below which describes what all of the available options are; or, you can enter just specific keys as you see fit.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ DefaultInstallerLocale: en-US
# This setting allows for the usage of various advanced modes
# Unless you know what you are doing, it is best to leave this disabled
EnableDeveloperOptions: false

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