A web form that allows students of the Nursing Program to manage a list of critical tasks that they must complete over the time in the program. Students are able to signup and login to mark tasks accordingly and see their progress throughout the semester. Administrators are able to signup and login to view student progress.
*Note: Skip to step 4 if you have the project downloaded.
1. Navigate to the URL: https://github.com/Trauma-Troopers/Nursing-App
2. On the right-hand side of the page click the drop down “Clone or Download.”
3. In this step either do one of the following:
* Click “Download ZIP” and unzip the folder in your desired directory.
* Perform a “git clone” in a terminal with the link in the text box to your desired directory. Please research “git clone” to utilize this method as it goes beyond the scope of this document. In the end, it does nothing different then the first method
4. Download NodeJS (https://nodejs.org/en/download/) with the appropriate installer for your machine (eg. 32bit vs 64bit, windows vs mac, etc.).
*Tip: Make sure this is installed in your Environmental Variables PATH
5. Navigate to the folder path ‘Nursing-App\clientform.’ This is where your package.json is stored which tells NodeJS which packages/dependencies to download.
6. In a terminal, type ‘npm install’. Node will begin downloading all the necessities for the project to run locally.
7. In a terminal, type ‘npm run dev’. The terminal will then say the project is running on ‘localhost:xxxx’ where ‘xxxx’ is the port number that is it running locally on your machine.
8. Type that ‘localhost:xxxx’ in a web browser (Chrome preferred for its amazing dev tools) and you will see the project running locally.
-Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm start
npm run dev
-Build for production with minification
npm run build
Daniel Russell (Team Lead) Greg Witt Sam Venter