Create a new scratch org
sf org create scratch -a foldertest -f ./config/project-scratch-def.json
Clear tracking to ensure all files are pushed
sf project delete tracking -p -o foldertest
Deploy the project
sf project deploy start -c -o foldertest
Notice that there are no errors, even though there are 10205 files + folders in the project. This is above the 10k file limit, indicating that folders are not counted against the 10k file deploy limit.
> bash ./ force-app/*
Number of files: 202
Number of directories: 10003
Notice also that unrelated non-source files do not impact the deploy.
Run this script to generate 10000 markdown files in the project.
bash ./
Repeat the steps above, and notice that the deploy is still successful.
Convert the deeply nested source format files into MDAPI format.
sfdx force:source:convert -d mdapi_src -n "TREX1" -p force-app
Notice that the folder structure is flattened in the MDAPI format.
This indicates that folder count in the source format should not impact the 10K file limit when deployed in MDAPI format.