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RenatoGeh committed Jun 23, 2021
1 parent f261145 commit e1d819b
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/ensembles/bmc.jl
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using Distributions: Dirichlet

"Bayesian Model Combination."
mutable struct BayesModelComb{T <: ProbCircuit}

"Constructs a SamplePSDD BMC with `q*t` combinations, each with `n` models."
function bmc_sample_psdd(n::Integer, ϕ::Diagram, k::Integer, D::DataFrame, q::Integer, t::Integer;
reuse::Union{Vector{StructProbCircuit}, Nothing} = nothing, vtree_bias::Real = -1.0,
α::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing} = nothing, verbose::Bool = true, kwargs...)::BayesModelComb{StructProbCircuit}
if isnothing(α) α = ones(n) end
K = q*t
M = K*n
v = ncol(D)
if isnothing(reuse)
circs = Vector{StructProbCircuit}(undef, M)
verbose && print("Sampling ", M, " PSDDs...\n ")
@qthreads for i 1:M
circs[i] = sample_psdd(ϕ, sample_vtree(v, vtree_bias), k, D; kwargs...)
verbose && print('*')
verbose && print('\n')
else circs = reuse end
E = Vector{Ensemble{StructProbCircuit}}(undef, K)
dirichlet = Dirichlet(α)
LL = Vector{Float64}(undef, K)
W = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, q)
e = 1
for i 1:t
i_max, max_ll = -1, -Inf
for j 1:q
W[j] = rand(dirichlet)
E[e] = Ensemble{StructProbCircuit}(circs[(e-1)*n+1:e*n], log.(W[j]))
ll = sum(log_likelihood_per_instance(E[e], D))
# Assume a uniform prior on the ensembles so that max p(e|D) = max p(D|e).
if ll > max_ll i_max, max_ll = j, ll end
LL[e] = ll
verbose && println("BMC Iteration ", e, '/', K, '.')
e += 1
α .+= W[i_max]
LL .= exp.(LL .- maximum(LL))
LL .= LL ./ sum(LL)
return BayesModelComb(E, log.(LL))
export bmc_sample_psdd

function weighted_query(B::BayesModelComb{T}, D::DataFrame, f::Function; kwargs...)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
n, m = nrow(D), length(B.E)
LL = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, m)
@inbounds for i 1:m LL[:,i] .= f(B.E[i], D; kwargs...) .+ B.W[i] end
return logsumexp(LL, 2)

@inline function log_likelihood_per_instance(B::BayesModelComb{T}, D::DataFrame; use_gpu::Bool = false)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
return weighted_query(B, D, log_likelihood_per_instance; use_gpu)

@inline function marginal(B::BayesModelComb{T}, D::DataFrame)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
return weighted_query(B, D, marginal)
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions src/ensembles/ensembles.jl
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using ThreadPools

"""Split `X` into two partitions `A` and `B`, where `A` is a Bernoulli sample of each element in
`X` with probability `p` and `B=X∖A`. Guarantees at least one element in `A` and `B`."""
function bernoulli_partition(X::Vector{Int}, p::Float64)::Tuple{Vector{Int}, Vector{Int}}
n = length(X)
a = rand(1:n)
b = ((rand(0:n-2)+a)%n)+1
A, B = Int[X[a]], Int[X[b]]
for (i, x) enumerate(X)
if i == a continue end
if i == b continue end
if rand() > p push!(B, x)
else push!(A, x) end
return A, B

"Samples a Vtree with a right bias of `p`. If `p<0`, then uniformly sample vtrees."
function sample_vtree(n::Int, p::Float64)::Vtree
passdown(x::Int)::Vtree = PlainVtreeLeafNode(x)
function passdown(X::Vector{Int})::Vtree
R, L = bernoulli_partition(X, p)
return Vtree(passdown(length(L) == 1 ? L[1] : L), passdown(length(R) == 1 ? R[1] : R))
return p < 0 ? Vtree(n, :random) : passdown(shuffle!(collect(1:n)))
export sample_vtree

"Weighted ensemble of probabilistic circuits."
mutable struct Ensemble{T <: ProbCircuit}

Creates an ensemble of `n` SamplePSDD-generated probabilistic circuits, with `v` the total number
of variables in the data, `ϕ` the logic constraints, `D` the data to be learned and `k` the
maximum number of primes to be sampled.
Keyword arguments for `sample_psdd` are passed down. Optionally, the function takes keyword
argument `vtree_bias`, which samples more left (value closer to 0.0) or right-leaning (value closer
to 1.0) vtrees. If a negative value is given, sample uniformly distributed vtrees.
Weights are computed by the given `strategy`. These can be any one of the following:
1. `:likelihood` for likelihood weighting;
2. `:uniform` for uniform weights;
3. `:em` for Expectation-Maximization;
4. `:stacking` for mixture model Stacking;
function ensemble_sample_psdd(n::Integer, ϕ::Diagram, k::Int, D::DataFrame; vtree_bias::Real = -1.0,
strategy::Symbol = :em, verbose::Bool = true, em_maxiter::Integer = 100,
kfold::Integer = min(nrow(D), 5), pseudocount::Real = 1.0, kwargs...)::Ensemble{StructProbCircuit}
circs = Vector{StructProbCircuit}(undef, n)
v = ncol(D)
verbose && print("Sampling ", n, " PSDDs...\n ")
@qthreads for i 1:n
V = sample_vtree(v, vtree_bias)
circs[i] = sample_psdd(ϕ, V, k, D; pseudocount, kwargs...)
verbose && print('*')
verbose && print('\n')
c = log(n)
E = Ensemble{StructProbCircuit}(circs, -fill(c, n))
if strategy == :likelihood return learn_ensemble_llw!(E, D)
elseif strategy == :em return learn_ensemble_em!(E, D; verbose, maxiter = em_maxiter)
elseif strategy == :stacking
return learn_ensemble_stacking!(E, D; verbose, maxiter = em_maxiter, k = kfold, pseudocount)
@assert strategy == :uniform "Unrecognized ensemble strategy."
return E
export ensemble_sample_psdd

"Learns the weights of the Ensemble by the likelihood value of data `D`."
function learn_ensemble_llw!(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame)::Ensemble{T} where T <: ProbCircuit
n = length(E.C)
LL = Vector{Float64}(undef, n)
@qthreads for i 1:n
@inbounds LL[i] = sum(EVI(E, D))
W = exp.(LL .- maximum(LL))
E.W .= log.(W ./ sum(W))
return E

"Learns the weights of the Ensemble by Expectation-Maximization."
function learn_ensemble_em!(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame; maxiter::Integer = 100,
reuse::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing} = nothing,
verbose::Bool = true)::Ensemble{T} where T <: ProbCircuit
N, K = nrow(D), length(E.C)
ln_N = log(N)
W = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, K)
N_k = Vector{Float64}(undef, K)
ll = Vector{Float64}(undef, N)
if isnothing(reuse)
verbose && println("Pre-computing component log-likelihoods...")
LL = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, K)
@qthreads for i 1:K @inbounds LL[:,i] .= log_likelihood_per_instance(E.C[i], D) end
else LL = reuse end
for j 1:maxiter
@qthreads for i 1:K @inbounds W[:,i] .= E.W[i] .+ LL[:,i] end
Threads.@threads for i 1:N @inbounds W[i,:] .-= logsumexp(W[i,:]) end
@qthreads for i 1:K @inbounds N_k[i] = logsumexp(W[:,i]) end
E.W .= N_k .- ln_N
@qthreads for i 1:K @inbounds W[:,i] .= LL[:,i] .+ E.W[i] end
Threads.@threads for i 1:N @inbounds ll[i] = logsumexp(W[i,:]) end
verbose && println("EM Iteration ", j, "/", maxiter, ". Log likelihood ", sum(ll))
return E

"Returns a(n index) partitioning a la k-fold."
function kfold(n::Int, p::Int)::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange, Vector{Int}}}
F = Vector{Tuple{UnitRange, Vector{Int}}}(undef, p)
j = s = 1
k = n÷p
for i 1:n%p
if s > 1
I = collect(1:s-1)
if s+k < n append!(I, s+k+1:n) end
else I = collect(s+k+1:n) end
F[j] = (s:s+k, I)
s += k+1
j += 1
k = n÷p-1
for i 1:p-n%p
if s > 1
I = collect(1:s-1)
if s+k < n append!(I, s+k+1:n) end
else I = collect(s+k+1:n) end
F[j] = (s:s+k, I)
s += k+1
j += 1
return F

"Learns the weights of the Ensemble by Stacking, with `k` as the number of folds in k-fold."
function learn_ensemble_stacking!(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame; maxiter::Integer = 100,
k::Integer = min(nrow(D), 5), pseudocount::Real = 1.0,
verbose::Bool = true)::Ensemble{T} where T <: ProbCircuit
N, K = nrow(D), length(E.C)
F = kfold(N, k)
LL = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, K)
for j 1:k
I, J = F[j]
D_T, D_R = D[I,:], D[J,:]
@qthreads for i 1:K estimate_parameters(E.C[i], D_R; pseudocount = pseudocount == 0 ? 1.0 : pseudocount) end
@qthreads for i 1:K LL[I,i] .= log_likelihood_per_instance(E.C[i], D_T) end
verbose && println("Stacking fold ", j, '/', k, '.')
learn_ensemble_em!(E, D; maxiter, verbose, reuse = LL)
@qthreads for i 1:K estimate_parameters(E.C[i], D; pseudocount) end
return E

function weighted_query(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame, f::Function; kwargs...)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
n, k = nrow(D), length(E.C)
M = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, k)
@qthreads for j 1:k
ll = f(E.C[j], D; kwargs...)
@inbounds ll .+= E.W[j]
for i 1:n @inbounds M[i,j] = ll[i] end
return logsumexp.(eachrow(M))

@inline function log_likelihood_per_instance(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame;
use_gpu::Bool = false)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
return weighted_query(E, D, log_likelihood_per_instance; use_gpu)

@inline function marginal(E::Ensemble{T}, D::DataFrame)::Vector{Float64} where T <: ProbCircuit
return weighted_query(E, D, marginal)
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions test/ensembles/bmc_tests.jl
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using Test
using ProbabilisticCircuits
using DataFrames
using BinaryDecisionDiagrams

@testset "BMC tests with SamplePSDD" begin
# Set up a logic constraint ϕ as a BDD and scope size n.
function case::Diagram, n::Integer; atol::Real = 0)
# All possible valuations (including impossible ones).
M = all_valuations(collect(1:n))
# Get only possible worlds.
W = M[findall(ϕ.(eachrow(M))),:]
# Assign random probabilities for each world in W.
R = rand(1:20, size(W, 1))
# Construct a dataset that maps the distribution of R (world W[i] repeats R[i] times).
D = DataFrame(vcat([repeat(W[i,:], 1, R[i])' for i 1:size(W, 1)]...))
# Learn ensemble of PSDDs from ϕ and D.
B = bmc_sample_psdd(5, ϕ, 16, D, 3, 4; pseudocount = 0.0, maxiter = 100, verbose = false)
T = DataFrame(M)
# Test consistency.
@test (EVI(B, T) .> -Inf) == ϕ.(eachrow(M))
# Test probabilities.
evi = exp.(EVI(B, T))
@test isapprox(evi[findall(>(0), evi)], (R/sum(R)); atol)

case((1 2) (3 ¬4) (¬1 5), 5)
case((1 3) (5 ¬2), 5)
case(and(1, 2, 3) and(4, 5), 5)
case(exactly(3, collect(1:5)), 5)
case(atleast(3, collect(1:5)), 5)
case(atmost(3, collect(1:5)), 5)
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using Test
using ProbabilisticCircuits
using DataFrames
using BinaryDecisionDiagrams

@testset "ensemble tests with SamplePSDD" begin
# Set up a logic constraint ϕ as a BDD and scope size n. Sample m PSDDs.
function case::Diagram, n::Integer, strategy::Symbol; m::Integer = 20, atol::Real = 1e-2)
# All possible valuations (including impossible ones).
M = all_valuations(collect(1:n))
# Get only possible worlds.
W = M[findall(ϕ.(eachrow(M))),:]
# Assign random probabilities for each world in W.
R = rand(1:20, size(W, 1))
# Construct a dataset that maps the distribution of R (world W[i] repeats R[i] times).
D = DataFrame(vcat([repeat(W[i,:], 1, R[i])' for i 1:size(W, 1)]...))
# Learn ensemble of PSDDs from ϕ and D.
E = ensemble_sample_psdd(m, ϕ, 16, D; strategy, pseudocount = 0.0, maxiter = 100,
verbose = false, vtree_bias = 0.8)
T = DataFrame(M)
# Test consistency.
@test (EVI(E, T) .> -Inf) == ϕ.(eachrow(M))
# Test probabilities.
evi = exp.(EVI(E, T))
@test isapprox(evi[findall(>(0), evi)], (R/sum(R)); atol)

for strategy [:likelihood, :uniform, :em, :stacking]
case((1 2) (3 ¬4) (¬1 5), 5, strategy)
case((1 3) (5 ¬2), 5, strategy)
case(and(1, 2, 3) and(4, 5), 5, strategy)
case(exactly(3, collect(1:5)), 5, strategy)
case(atleast(3, collect(1:5)), 5, strategy)
case(atmost(3, collect(1:5)), 5, strategy)

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