This is a Discord App that allows the user to send customized messages using Embeds written in JSON. Embeds are a way to add rich content to messages, such as information, images, and more.
- Title: A title for the embed, which can be up to 256 characters long.
- Description: A description for the embed, which can be up to 2048 characters long.
- Fields: A list of fields, which can be up to 25 fields long. Each field can have a name, value, and inline flag.
- Thumbnail: An image to be displayed as a thumbnail.
- Image: An image to be displayed as the main image.
- Footer: A footer for the embed, which can be up to 2048 characters long.
- Timestamp: A timestamp for the embed, which can be up to 20 characters long.
- Color: A color for the embed in hexidecimal format, which can be up to 6 characters long.
To send an embed, simply type /embed send
followed by the JSON data for the embed.
To edit an existing embed sent by the app, type /embed edit
followed by the messageId of the embed.
To preview an embed before you send it, type /embed preview
followed by the JSON data for the embed.
To create, update, or load an embed template, type /embed template
followed by the template name and the JSON data for the embed, or the template name and the messageId of the embed.
To delete an existing embed sent by the app, type /embed delete
followed by the messageId of the embed.
To view various help commands, type /embed help
followed by the topic you want to view help for. Topics include send
, edit
, preview
, template
, and delete
Here are some examples of JSON data for embeds:
Example with Fields:
"title": "Hello, World!",
"description": "This is a test embed.",
"fields": [
"name": "Field 1",
"value": "This is the value of field 1.",
"inline": true
"name": "Field 2",
"value": "This is the value of field 2.",
"inline": true
Example with Author, Footer, and Image:
"title": "Hello, World!",
"description": "This is a test embed.",
"author": {
"name": "TooterTutor",
"url": "",
"icon_url": ""
"footer": {
"text": "TooterTutor's Discord Embed App",
"icon_url": ""