RSpec matchers for Mongoid.
describe User do
it { should reference_many(:articles).with_foreign_key(:author_id) }
it { should have_many(:articles).with_foreign_key(:author_id) }
it { should reference_one(:record) }
it { should have_one(:record) }
it { should reference_many :comments }
it { should have_many :comments }
#can also specify with_dependent to test if :dependent => :destroy/:destroy_all/:delete is set
it { should have_many(:comments).with_dependent(:destroy) }
#can verify autosave is set to true
it { should have_many(:comments).with_autosave }
it { should embed_one :profile }
it { should reference_and_be_referenced_in_many(:children).of_type(User) }
it { should have_and_belong_to_many(:children) }
describe Profile do
it { should be_embedded_in(:user).as_inverse_of(:profile) }
describe Article do
it { should be_referenced_in(:author).of_type(User).as_inverse_of(:articles) }
it { should belong_to(:author).of_type(User).as_inverse_of(:articles) }
it { should belong_to(:author).of_type(User).as_inverse_of(:articles).with_index }
it { should embed_many(:comments) }
describe Comment do
it { should be_embedded_in(:article).as_inverse_of(:comments) }
it { should be_referenced_in(:user).as_inverse_of(:comments) }
describe Record do
it { should be_referenced_in(:user).as_inverse_of(:record) }
describe Site do
it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:name) }
describe User do
it { should validate_presence_of(:login) }
it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:login).scoped_to(:site) }
it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:email).case_insensitive.with_message("is already taken") }
it { should validate_format_of(:login).to_allow("valid_login").not_to_allow("invalid login") }
it { should validate_associated(:profile) }
it { should validate_inclusion_of(:role).to_allow("admin", "member") }
it { should validate_confirmation_of(:email) }
describe Article do
it { should validate_length_of(:title).within(8..16) }
describe Profile do
it { should validate_numericality_of(:age).greater_than(0) }
describe MovieArticle do
it { should validate_numericality_of(:rating).to_allow(:greater_than => 0).less_than_or_equal_to(5) }
it { should validate_numericality_of(:classification).to_allow(:even => true, :only_integer => true, :nil => false) }
describe User do
it { should have_fields(:email, :login) }
it { should have_field(:active).of_type(Boolean).with_default_value_of(false) }
it { should have_fields(:birthdate, :registered_at).of_type(DateTime) }
it { should have_index_for(:last_name) }
it { should have_index_for(:email).with_options(:unique => true) }
# useful if you use factory_girl and have Factory(:user) defined for User
it { should save }
it { should be_timestamped_document } # if you're declaring `include Mongoid::Timestamps`
it { should be_versioned_document } # if you're declaring `include Mongoid::Versioning`
it { should be_paranoid_document } # if you're declaring `include Mongoid::Paranoia`
describe Log do
it { should be_stored_in :logs }
add in Gemfile
gem 'mongoid-rspec'
drop in existing or dedicated support file in spec/support (spec/support/mongoid.rb)
RSpec.configure do |configuration|
configuration.include Mongoid::Matchers
Thanks to Durran Jordan for providing the changes necessary to make this compatible with mongoid 2.0.0.rc, and for other contributors to this project.