Enables easy communication with ioBroker for .NET Projects
- Installed socket.io adapter in ioBroker
Install NugetPackage ioBroker.net from nuget.org
using using ioBroker.net;
var ioBroker = new IoBrokerDotNet("http://iobroker:8084");
await ioBroker.ConnectAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
or use empty constructor and set ConnectionString before connecting
using using ioBroker.net;
var ioBroker = new IoBrokerDotNet();
ioBroker.ConnectionString = "http://ioBroker:8084";
await ioBroker.ConnectAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
var id = "deconz.0.Lights.13.level"; // the object id you want to read
var result = await ioBroker.TryGetStateAsync<int>(id, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // you receive a GetStateResult<T>
// Check if reading was succesfull
if (result.Success)
Console.WriteLine($"Success with value: {result.Value}");
Console.WriteLine($"Error with Exception: {result.Error}");
var id = "deconz.0.Lights.13.level"; // the object id you want to set
var result = await ioBroker.TrySetStateAsync<int>(id, 55); // you receive a SetStateResult<T>
// Check if writing was succesfull
if (result.Success)
Console.WriteLine($"Success with writing value: {result.ValueToWrite}");
Console.WriteLine($"Error while writing with Exception: {result.Error}");
var id = "deconz.0.Lights.13.level"; // the object id you want to get notifications if value changes
await ioBroker.SubscribeStateAsync<int>(id, LightLevelChangedHandler);
private static void LightLevelChangedHandler(int lightLevel)
// do whatever you want when you receive changes for the subscribed value
Console.WriteLine($"Light level has changed: {lightLevel}");