This project was written for a university course about theoretic computer science.
It is written in Python and can evaluate SPC-Queries on a given database. SPC-queries are a subset of relational algebra where only σ (selection), π (projection) and x (cartesian product) are available.
The SPC-Version can now be found on an extra branch. The master branch will develop more features.
You can use make shell
to start the database shell or you can just run the file with python3.
The following usage is also valid.
python3 <database file>
python3 <database file> query
open <filename> opens a database file
tables lists the loaded tables
<spc-query> a valid query will automatically be evaluated
Instead of σ and and π you can use * for selection and # for projection.
# all people and their living countrys
% python example.txt '#1,7(*1=4(*6=5(People x Living x Places)))'
Database loaded
>>Query executed as π1,7(σ1=4(σ6=5(People x Living x Places)))
('Alfred', 'Germany')
('Superman', 'America')
('Jesus', 'Jerusalem')
('TomRiddle01', 'Germany')
# all people from Hamburg
% python example.txt '#1(*5="Hamburg"(*1=4(People x Living)))'
Database loaded
>>Query executed as π1(σ5="Hamburg"(σ1=4(People x Living)))
To run the unittests use make test