This application has a folder to run Python scripts to download data from the Canadian Federal Elections website: for the past federal general elections. This data can then be loaded into a PostgreSQL database Next, this can be loaded by a VUE Single Page App which uses the D3 graphical visualization library to display it in a useful format, and allow the users to make seat predictions based on overall polling results. There are also machine learning algorithms run on the data in Python
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Python 3
Clone GIT repository and download
git clone
Build Front End dependencies
yarn install
Install Back End Python dependencies
To Do
Tests are not currently configured
These tests handle linting with jshint, link checking, and some cross-page and unit tests.
- [Vue]
- [Python]
- [FastAPI]
- Tom Brown
This project is under the standard ISC license allowing code to be used and copied with proper attribution and without a warranty