pothos is a molecular dynamics tool for tracking and clustering polymer chain behavior. It evaluates order parameters such as
The current full version of pothos is pure python, however it is being rewritten into c++ to improve performance. For now, pothos++ offers both the legendre and verho alignment functions as a compiled function.
pothos++ will be updated to eventually replace the python version. As of Dec. 15 24, it only supports coarse-grained systems.
For the Python version : Python 3, Scipy, Numpy, Sci-kit Learn, Rich, Numba, Joblib
The best way to use pothos is through a virtual enviroment
% set up the virtual environment
python -m venv venv
cd venv/bin
source activate
Download the source from github and enter it
% enter directory
cd /path/to/pothos
Install with pip
pip install .
pothos reads lammps dump files in the form
dump 1 all custom ${n} ${print_dir}/filename.dump id mol type x y z ix iy iz
dump 1 all custom ${n} ${print_dir}/filename.dump id mol type x y z xu yu zu