Power-list provides daily updated and organized musical playlists created by KKBox and KKBox's users for you. You can enjoy the millions of music tracks using Youtube API and put any your favorite track to your Spotify or KKBox playlist.
- Frond-end:
- React v.16.7
- Redux
- Sematic-ui-react
- Webpack v.4.28
- React-router v.4.0
- Axios
- Back-end:
- Node.js v. 10.14
- Express v. 4.16
- Third Party APIs
- KKBox OAuth 2.0 API
- Spotify OAuth 2.0 API
- Youtube API
- Deploy:
- Microsoft Azure
- Play music using Youtube video
- Loggin KKBox or Spotify using OAuth 2.0
- Show your KKBox or Spotify playlists
- Add tracks to your KKbox or Spotify playlists
- Web Scraping Youtube video data
- Change language
- Infinity-roll + Search playlists
The project is inspired by Kube created by Hung-Yi Chen.
Checkout his amazing products