A CoolProp GUI for calculating Thermodynamics properties of fluids.
By - Shihabus Sakib Rad
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ThermoState uses CoolProp Library to calculate properties. It provides a GUI for the library with some added convenient features. It doesn't support fluid mixtures yet.
Following Fluids are included.
from CoolProp import CoolProp
['1-Butene', 'Acetone', 'Air', 'Ammonia', 'Argon', 'Benzene', 'CarbonDioxide', 'CarbonMonoxide', 'CarbonylSulfide', 'cis-2-Butene', 'CycloHexane', 'Cyclopentane', 'CycloPropane', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'Deuterium', 'Dichloroethane', 'DiethylEther', 'DimethylCarbonate', 'DimethylEther', 'Ethane', 'Ethanol', 'EthylBenzene', 'Ethylene', 'EthyleneOxide', 'Fluorine', 'HeavyWater', 'Helium', 'HFE143m', 'Hydrogen', 'HydrogenChloride', 'HydrogenSulfide', 'IsoButane', 'IsoButene', 'Isohexane', 'Isopentane', 'Krypton', 'm-Xylene', 'MD2M', 'MD3M', 'MD4M', 'MDM', 'Methane', 'Methanol', 'MethylLinoleate', 'MethylLinolenate', 'MethylOleate', 'MethylPalmitate', 'MethylStearate', 'MM', 'n-Butane', 'n-Decane', 'n-Dodecane', 'n-Heptane', 'n-Hexane', 'n-Nonane', 'n-Octane', 'n-Pentane', 'n-Propane', 'n-Undecane', 'Neon', 'Neopentane', 'Nitrogen', 'NitrousOxide', 'Novec649', 'o-Xylene', 'OrthoDeuterium', 'OrthoHydrogen', 'Oxygen', 'p-Xylene', 'ParaDeuterium', 'ParaHydrogen', 'Propylene', 'Propyne', 'R11', 'R113', 'R114', 'R115', 'R116', 'R12', 'R123', 'R1233zd(E)', 'R1234yf', 'R1234ze(E)', 'R1234ze(Z)', 'R124', 'R1243zf', 'R125', 'R13', 'R134a', 'R13I1', 'R14', 'R141b', 'R142b', 'R143a', 'R152A', 'R161', 'R21', 'R218', 'R22', 'R227EA', 'R23', 'R236EA', 'R236FA', 'R245ca', 'R245fa', 'R32', 'R365MFC', 'R40', 'R404A', 'R407C', 'R41', 'R410A', 'R507A', 'RC318', 'SES36', 'SulfurDioxide', 'SulfurHexafluoride', 'Toluene', 'trans-2-Butene', 'Water', 'Xenon']
These imput combinations are supported for water/steam (HEOS Backend) and most other fluids.
[{'T', 'P'}, {'T', 'ρ'}, {'T', 's'}, {'T', 'x'}, {'ρ', 'P'}, {'s', 'P'}, {'h', 'P'}, {'u', 'P'}, {'x', 'P'}, {'s', 'ρ'}, {'h', 'ρ'}, {'u', 'ρ'}, {'x', 'ρ'}, {'s', 'h'}]
ThermoState calculates/ Tabulates the followings results from CoolProp
Temperature, Pressure, Sp Volume, Density, Entropy, Enthalpy, Internal Energy, Quality Phase, Cp, Cv, Conductivity, Prandtl Number, Viscosity, Compressibility Factor, Surface Tension, Gibbs Energy, Helmholtz Energy
Thermophysical properties calculator
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties database
Thermodynamic State diagrams: Ts, Ph, hs
Steam table calculator
Thermodynamic problems solver
CoolProp GUI
REFPROP alternative