with Pygame, OpenCV and Keras
The goal of the project is to create a Gesture Conrtolled Snake game for Windows machine.
- Welcome Menu (select difficulty)
- Display current score and store best score locally
- User plays using gesture (on camera/webcam)
- Snake starts in the center of the screen with size of 10x10 pixels
- Place food somewhere randomly in the screen
- Food size is 10x10 pixels
- Snake can move up, down, right and left
- When Snake eat food it grows of one block (10x10 pixels)
- Snake dies if it hits itself or a border of the screen
- Using OpenCV library you can open your webcam and save each new frame into a jpeg
- Use this jpeg as an input for the neural network model
- Neural Network built using Teachable Machine by Google https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/train ('./model/keras_model.h5' and 'keras_model.py')