This tool can scan for drops in prices on an item of your choice and will send an email to a desired account once that deal is beat.
Make sure your email account allows insecure app logins:
Make the following environmental variables, take note of the space at the beginning which will hide the command from history.
# This is the recipient of your email
export EMAIL_DEST=""
# This is the account information you are sending from
export EMAIL_USER=""
export EMAIL_PASS=""
To just pull information:
python3 $SKU $ZIPCODE
To continuously scan for a price to be beaten, and send an email once is found:
# PRICE is an integer or float
python3 $SKU $ZIPCODE price:$PRICE
To continuously scan for a discount to be beaten, and send an email once is found:
# DISCOUNT is between 0 and 100
python3 $SKU $ZIPCODE price:$DISCOUNT
Add support for more of the stores that BrickSeek supports.