This repo contains all of the source code files for the AP Computer Science A course's "lab work" assignments. The folder structure will hopefully follow an intuitive nesting order. I'll also try to document the workings of the programs via comments throughout the source if anything seems vague or arcane.
All solutions will be in Java, as that's what's being required in the book for the class.
The folder/package structure will be formatted like so:
lecture[N].[exercise level].[exercise name]
- N - 0-based index of lecture that exercises belong to
- exercise level - See the explanation below
- exercise name - The name of the specific program (sometimes shortened)
Reference for the different "exercise level" folders:
- standard - The standard exercise for a given lecture
- challenge - The 'Challenge' exercise for a given lecture (more difficult than standard)
- plusplus - The 'Challenge++' exercise for a given lecture (more difficult than challenge)
Only one of these exercises must be completed per lecture and there is no benefit from completing more difficult ones. It's purely just a challenge to complete if you want to.