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Trivium Blast: Videogame Trivia


Videogame trivia game! You the player are presented with a series of questions, each with 4 possible answers, only 1 being the correct one. It's developed using Pygame and CSV.


Trivium Blast relies on Pygame for the graphical interface. Pygame has a lot of different features for drawing and displaying graphics, which made it a suitable choice for a game. Throughout the development process, a goal was to maintain clean, readable code and establishing a straightforward setup to facilitate both understanding and scalability.

Pygame Features Utilized:

  • Event Handling: It streamlined the processing of user input allowing for seamless interaction with the GUI elements like buttons and the options menu. By efficiently managing events like mouse clicks so that the player can navigate through the game easily.
  • Sound Adjusting: It was easy to implement sound adjustment with pygame.mixer.Sound.set_volume() and utilizing this with sliders so have it be interactive as well.
  • Rectangular Shape Drawing: Drawing rectangles on screen by using pygame.draw.rect() for UI elements like the buttons, sliders, and choice boxes.
  • Double Buffering: Utilized to reduce flickering by drawing graphics to an off-screen buffer before displaying htem on the screen. This was really helpful for updating the countdown timer between questions.
  • Time Handling: Utilizing pygame.time.get_ticks() to track elapsed time for implementing the countdown timer and managing game timing.
  • Image Loading and Display: Loading the image based on the questions's image path and displaying them on screen within a specified rectangle.

Code Organization

  • Main Functionality
    • main(): Entry point. Manages the game loop and transitions.
  • Sound Effect Handling
    • play_sound(sound): Called to play sound effects during the game.
  • Question Class
    • class Question: Defines a class to represent each question with attributes like the question text, choices, correct answer and image path.
  • CSV File Handling
    • read_question_from_csv(file_name): Reads a question row from the CSV file and creates a Question object from it.
  • Start Screen
    • draw_start_screen(screen, font): Draws the start screen with buttons for starting the game, accessing the tutorial, adjusting sound options, and quitting.
    • display_start_screen(screen, font): Manages the user interactions on the start screen.
    • sound_option_screen(screen, font, music_volume, sound_effect_volume): Displays the sound adjustment screen. And allows the player to adjust music and sound effects.
    • tutorial_screen(screen, font): Displays instructions on how to play the game.
  • Question Selection Screen
    • display_question_selection(screen, font): Allows the player to choose the number of question to play with.
  • Running the game
    • display_question(screen, font, question, photo_path, countdown_timer): Displays a single question with the corresponding choices and a countdown timer.
    • wrap_text(text, font, max_width): To keep the question text in a set spot on the game screen.
    • run_quiz_game(screen, font, questions): Manages the game loop, presenting the questions, accepting answers, and calculating scores.
    • display_result(screen, score, total_questions): Displays the result screen text showing the number of correct answers and a colored background based on the percentage score.
    • display_result_buttons(screen, font): Displays the play again button and quit button on the result screen.


  • Start screen with buttons for starting the game, how to play, adjusting the sound options, and quitting.
  • Sound effects and music with adjustable volume levels.
  • Tutorial screen explaining how to play the game.
  • Question selection screen allowing the player to choose the numbers of questions to play with.
  • Display the questions with choices, countdown timer, and a picture.
  • Randomization of the questions and the choice positions.
  • Result screen showing the number of correct answers, with options to replay or quit.

File Structure

  • This file contains the core logic and functionality. It handles tasks such as loading the questions from the CSV file, displaying the questions and answer choices, tracking the player response, and determine the final score.
  • quiz_questions.csv: Contains the questions, choices, answers and images. This file serves as the database for the game.
  • Contains testing functionality for different parts of the game logic. Ensures that the game behaves as expected.
  • requirements.txt: Contains which pip installments are needed for this project.




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