Full support documentation and setup guides available here - https://support.dotmailer.com/hc/en-gb/categories/202610368-Magento
You are welcome to contribute to dotmailer for Magento! You can either:
- Report a bug: create a GitHub issue including description, repro steps, Magento and extension version numbers
- Fix a bug: please clone and use our Testing branch to submit your Pull Request
- Request a feature on our community forum
- We've fixed a styling issue that was not visible in the trial version pop-up window.
- We've fixed a problem that had been adversely affecting the exclusion rules report table upon execution of a mass delete action.
- We've refactored the code for trial accounts.
- A fix has been implemented to prevent problems that were being experienced with OAUTH redirections.
- Changes in 'Subscriber' status weren't being sent back to Magento from dotmailer; this has been fixed.
- ‘First customer order’ automation programs were incorrectly firing more than once for customers; this no longer happens
- Email capturing has been fixed to observe input for the entry fields; previously this hadn't been working as expected.
- Bulk order sync will have a delay(60min) before being imported.
- Improve install script for customers that are subscribed.
- Subscribers with datafields issues.
- Campaign bulk setProccessing array conversion.
- Abandoned cart price fetch from quote.
- Send id is set for all failed campaign records.
- Abandoned cart with wrong email contact_id.
- Update Product/Orders transactional data schema.
- Trail account creation process refactoring and tests.
- Fix automap datafields for different websites.
- Api endpoint for multiple accounts.
- Easy email capture not updating is_guest field.
- Abandoned carts time issue.
- Single orders inside importer will have full data object.
- Importer fix for delete contact type.
- Check for api enabled before creating contact.
- Subscriber guest is not triggered to be removed.
- Customer subscription when email is changed.
- Unsubscribe subscribers not getting removed from the address book.
- Contact subscription status not being changed.
- Massdelete action for report tables when select all.
- Automation report table status not displayed.
- Importer status is saved in wrong column.
- Newsletter subscription with default option selected will make api call.
- Contact saving suppression is using wrong key.
- Revert guest finding feature.
- Duplicate guests email fix.
- Importer with no website id for orders.
- Storename fix(#215)
- Api endpoints for different region accounts.
- Improved trail account creation process.
- Improved Guests finding(separated from the order sync).
- Abandoned cart process throws error(collection).
- Single orders type inside importer.
- Abandoned carts timezone issue.
- Order sync can have duplicate emails for guests.
- Cannot automap(button) when using different websites.
- Failed send campaign in bulk containing duplicated contact_ids(dotmailer @AndrewGretton).
- Campaign report messages/sendId for suppresed/failed contacts.
- Syntax error or access violation while updating Coupon code.
- Stop emulation when api is disabled.
- Admin Log file viewer.
- Subsribers now have datafields.
######Bug fixes
- ACL for reports menu items.
- API creds always for default level.
- Compatibility _getChildrenElementsHtml with 2.1.3.
- Unrecognized getFirstItem for last review date.
- Go to cart button should redirect to quote's store.
- Get addressBooks using the website level creds.
- DI when initializing Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail.
- Fix js for the dotmailer configuration page.
- Unserialize error for orders sync.
- Remove modification for guest quote items.
- Now can be added multiple dimention condition for Rules.
- InvalidContactIdentifier for single orders.
- Compatibility with catalogStaging for enterprise.
- Fix admin configuration fancybox error.
- Compatible with Magento 2.1 version.
- Coupon EDC expiration date. You can set the expiration date for coupon included into the URL
- Improve finding guests. Guest will be added in bulk to the table.
- Add new automation for first customer order event.
- EDC include all product types to have an image and inlcude the price range available for the product.
- EDC fixed the prefix for table names.
- Fix unsubscribeEmail register already exists.
- New installation do not get the customers mark as subscribers.
- Automation program enrollment without unserialized is failing.
- Exclution Rules conditional mapping fix.
- Fix the case sensitive namespace.
- Wishlist not batching.
- Allow to include Order multiselect attributes.