Fast entity bundle for Symfony 2, used to generate dropdowns from entities faster than the default 'entity' formtype. To do this a new form type has to be generated for the entity used in the dropdown
You need to use the command line tool from Symfony (app/console) to generate the new form types. The syntax is simple:
$ app/console dotcommerce:generate:fastentity BundleName[:EntityName] [FieldName]
- BundleName is the name of you Bundle (i.e. MyBundle)
- EntityName (optional) is the name of your entity (i.e. MyEntity), if not defined it will generate form types for all the entities in the bundle
- FieldName (optional) the name of the field which is displayed in the dropdown, if not defined it will try to use the field 'name'
So if I want to generate a fast form type, for my entity Customer which is in my StoreBundle and I want to display the lastname of the customer in the dropdown, I need to use command:
$ app/console dotcommerce:generate:fastentity StoreBundle:Customer lastname
To use the newly generated form type you have to specify it manualy in a Form. The name for your new formtype is the entityname in lowercase prepended by the word 'fast', i.e. for the above generated Customer entity, the formtype is called 'fastcustomer'.
- First public version
Pretty simple with composer, add:
require: {
"dotcommerce/fastentitybundle": "dev-master"
If you use a deps
file, add:
Or if you want to clone the repos:
git clone git:// vendor/dotcommerce/fastentitybundle/DotCommerce/FastEntityBundle
// File: app/autoload.php
'DotCommerce\\FastEntityBundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/dotcommerce/fastentitybundle/DotCommerce/FastEntityBundle',
// ...
// File: app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new DotCommerce\FastEntityBundle\DotCommerceFastEntityBundle(),
// ...