For no reason whatsoever I feel like writing my own programming language. Lots of interesting times await me it seems ...
A simple class that just has a "Hello world!" method writing to the console:
with Greeting
define HelloWorld as
"Hello world!" >
This is how it would be invoked inside of a PieLang program:
Greeting -> say
say HelloWorld
So recently I tweeted out this blog post to one of the people I follow on Twitter: I realised that it's been sat in my bookmarks for while a while, and it's probably about time to do something about it. Obviously if I wanted to write my own language quickly I would use the suggested framework of Flex or something similar. However I am feeling brave today and that means I'll be creating the language from scratch as a compiled language using Roslyn and C# to the compilation part. However as things progress I might drop down to using Reflection.Emit and do the raw IL myself.
statment ::= with-statment | define-as-statement
with-statement ::= with expr
define-as-statement ::= define expr as expr
var ::= identifier
identifier ::= (letter)*
letter ::= A | B | … | Z | a | b | … | z
digit ::= 0 | 1 | … | 9