Screenshot 1 - This is splash screen for the app
Details - This is just a basic splash screen which lasts for 2 seconds.
Details - This is first glance of interaction of app with the user - Here user have create an online account which will enable him to sync and manage his list Here - user have to fill
- Name (Display name)
- Email Address
- Password
Details - This opens when the user clicks on “ Already has another?? ” button or complete above the above sign up procedure. From here the user can sign in with his own credentials. Also if he wished to register again , the button is provided for that purpose.
Details- This dialog box when the user clicks on the 3 lines button coming at the top right , where he is greeted with his display name (name taken in sign up ) , and provided with some basic instructions.Also there is option to logout for the user if he want to log out or wanted to switch account.Else he can exit this box by clicking on close button.
Details - This is the very first screen a signed user will interact with , since a new registered user has no list , hence most of the view is empty at first. All the events created by the users will be displayed here. Here in bottom right corner,there is floating Action button from where user can create its very own Todo list
Details - When the user clicks on the plus button at the bottom right corner , this view will be visible. Using the user can create its Todo list , Here the the following inputs are required to set a Todo item
- Name of event
- Time of event in hours in format of HH
- Time of event in minutes in format of MM
- Date of event in DD MM YY format in their respective fields Once the user have filled the required fields, he can click on set button to have item in list However if the user decided not to fill the event and wanted to close the button, a button is provided for that purpose.
Details - This is viewed after the user has input the items using the above explained button. These are arranged in proper order of occurrence. Once the user has achieved the goal set by him , he can click on the radio button , after clicking the items will disappear from the list.
Coded and report prepared by Harsh Tiwari Github link - Resume link -