Mutlithreaded Java 2D Game Engine. Available under the MIT License.
Eternity is a java soft 2d game engine and requires Java 8 or above. It is written in pure java and is tested under windows 7 and linux(fedora 24).
It uses the luaj library which is available under the MIT License to allow for a fully scriptable game. In fact it is the preffered way to create a game.
The engine also uses toml4j and gson which are available under the MIT License and the Apache License Version 2.0 respectively.
#TOML See: for more information about TOML. To be able to read TOML files in lua it is recomended to use a modified verision of lua-toml (available under the Happy License) which is itself available under the Happy License.
- original:
- modified:
#Features Engine
- fully java implementation
- 2 step multithreaded renering pipeline
- highly optimised 2d graphics rendering code (no hardware rendering)
- Tiled map editor json export support
- standard launcher implementation (with swing and awt components)
- readable TOML file format for settings and config files
- highly optimised 2D rendering algorithms
- portable rendering engine (not tied to swing or awt)
- lightweight text rendering implementation
Map and tiles
- automatic tileset slicing
- automatic map loading
- local tile id conversion
- lua scripting
- fully scriptable
- engine methods exposed to lua
- automatic script loading
positional audio effect
#Java The java programming part can be as easy as to create a java project, incluse the eternity engine and luaj.jar. Then write the following code:
import de.eternity.Launcher;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Launcher.initGame("Display Title");
//add your java-lua functions here
The rest may be implemented in lua.
#Scripting The following lua functions are available.
poll_input() : void
Must be called in every update cycle exactly once at the beginning if keyboard and/or mouse input is needed.
get_mouse_position() : int, int
Returns first the x and second the y position of the mouse.
is_mouse_pressed(int buttonCode) : boolean
Returns true if the button is pressed, false otherwise.
All button codes are available as a variable BUTTON(number(1-3))
is_key_pressed(int keyCode) : boolean
Returns true if the button is pressed, false otherwise.
All key codes are available as a variable VK_keyname
push_game_state(string gameStateName) : void
This method pushes another game state on the stack.
The parameter gameStateName is the name of the lua file for the game state.
pop_game_state() : void
This method pops the current game state off the stack.
get_data_file_path(string fileName) : string
This method returns the path to the file.
get_game_data() : GameData
This method returns the game data object of the game.
This object is sometimes needed as a parameter.
This object provides access to the game data.
get_fps() : int
This method returns the current fps of the game.
The fps is only updated each second and therefore is 0 in the first second.
get_game_map(string name) : GameMap
- This method returns the game map the the given name.
new_text_line(string text, int color): Text
Returns a new drawable text.
new_text_area(int chars_horizontal, int chars_vertical, int color): Text
Returns a new drawable text with the specified area.
This Text object does not yet contain any data.
set_window_title(string title) : void
This method sets the title of the game window.
argb_to_color(int a, int r, int g, int b): int
This method returns a single integer from the single argb color parts.
rgb_to_color( int r, int g, int b): int
This method returns a single integer from the single rgb color parts (full alpha).
load_animation(string animation) : Animation
This method loads a local animation file and returns a translated animation object.
udpate_tile_animations(double delta) : void
This method should be called once every update cycle.
This method updates the tile animations (as the name suggests).
get_textute_storage() : void
This method returns the global texture storage.
to_global_texture_id(string tileset, int localId) : int
This method returns the global texture id of the local texture id of the tileset.
load_sound(string sound) : Sound
- This method loads a sound file into a sound instance.
- Be aware that sound objects are big and leave a lot of garbage for the gc.
- See Sound class documentation for more methods and information.