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User guide

Yannick Daveluy edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 6 revisions



Configure the update site

  1. From Github: Copy the link of the org.eclipse.xsmp.repository archive file from the releases page. In WindowPreferencesInstall/UpdateAvailable softwareAdd create a new site called XSMP with location: jar:<URL>!/ where <URL> is the archive link.

e.g: jar:!/

  1. From P2 repository: P2 repository is not yet available.

Install the plugins

In HelpInstall new software... select the XSMP update site. You can then select and install the XSMP plugins you need.

Project creation

Run the wizard from FileNewProject...XsmpXsmpcat Project and follow the instructions.

In case you installed an additional Profile, a dedicated template should be available in the template selection page.

Catalogue file

The Catalogue file is located in the smdl folder of the newly created project. Its file extension is xsmpcat.

This file is a textual file that describe the SMP Catalogue. Its content must match the Xsmpcat grammar.

The Xsmp modeler provide a specialized editor with:

  • Syntax/Semantic Coloring
  • Error Checking
  • Auto-Completion (including templates)
  • Formatting
  • Hover Information
  • Mark Occurrences
  • Go To Declaration
  • Rename Refactoring
  • Toggle Comments
  • Outline / Structure View
  • Quick Fix Proposals
  • Find References
  • Folding


The XSMP workflow is automatic (verify that ProjectBuild Automatically is checked). This means that on each change/save of a catalogue file, the catalogue is validated and if it succedded the code generator(s) are triggered (C++ code generator for example).

Project dependencies

Project dependencies are handled by the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in which you can specify the list of required plug-ins.

For example, if you have a project A that requires an SMP type publicly defined in the catalogue of a project B, then you have to add in the MANIFEST.MF of the project A a dependency on the project B.

Command Line Interface

Catalogue validation and generation can be performed from the command line.

  • get the CLI jar file for your tool or profile
  • check that java 11 is available
  • go in your project directory: cd ~/eclipse_workspace/<project_name>
  • run the CLI: java -jar /path/to/cli.jar

To get a list of all available options, add the --help or -h argument: java -jar /path/to/cli.jar -h