We can't work on this until some other work is completed either by us or in some other project.
Breaking change requiring a new major version
Something isn't working as expected.
Improvement to how we build or package
Critical issue that requires an immediate hotfix
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Something we need to decide before moving ahead. May cause blocking.
A pure design task, done prior to coding. Rarely needed.
Closed. This issue or pull request already exists.
An easy fix suitable for new contributors. Usually a bug or enhancement.
An improvement to an existing feature
An issue which aggregates other issues
Used when Hactoberfest is going on to invite participation.
Something we'd particularly like a contributor to volunteer for.
Just an idea... not yet accepted as a feature or enhancement
Problem applies to linux only
Bug that needs confirmation before we work on it
Needs some design work before coding
We should discuss this with team and users before proceeding
Closed. We requested more info, which was not received
Closed. This is not a bug. May be usage problem or by design.
Closed. We are unable to reproduce the problem
Internal change to improve structure
This will not be worked on