by Teraisa J. Rogers with Udacity
##In a Nutshell Using an implemented database, explore the possiblities of reading about "Local Restaurants" and their menus. Login to create, edit, and delete both restaurants and restaurant menu items. Logout to break the connection.
Navigate to the Full-Stack-Foundations/Lesson-4/Final-Project directory inside the vagrant environment
Run to create the database
Run to populate the database
Run, calling localhost:5000 in the browser
This project was designed to educate early developers about working with catagories, user registration (authorization and authentication), functions, persistant data storage, using RESTful web application, Python, Flask, third-party Oauth workings, http methods, CRUD, and building dynamic websites; the project hypothetically services restauarnt owners by giving them the ability to post, edit, and delete their own restaurants and restaurant menu items.
..*Have Virtual Box, Vagrant, and Python 2.7.12 installed
..*Clone the Udacity vagrantfile
..*Clone proj4RestMenus into your vagrant directory
..*Launch Vagrant using the command vagrant up
and following that with the command vagrant ssh
..*From the main directory run sudo pip install -r requirements
Navigate to the Full-Stack-Foundations/Lesson-4/Final-Project directory inside the vagrant environment and run
..*In the browser, go to http:.//localhost:5000
to access application
###Enjoy your look around, feel free to login to create restaurants and create menu items, logout when you're finished
MIT Licensing; ©Teraisa 2017 Created with Sublime, Josh, Rob, and Serenity
Intended style guide is "plain" English--please keep it that way (thanks!) (always looking out for the very young coders)