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Create Jumbo Pallets

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 8 revisions

Create Jumbo pallets

A "Jumbo Pallet" is a pallet that consists of combining the Stacki pallet with the OS pallet of your choice to install a frontend.

It's possible to add additional pallets, but the size grows and can easily be larger than a DVD or even a smallish USB can hold.

If you're going to create and use a jumbo pallet, it's advised to install the frontend via virtual media since this does not suffer from size issues.

This is only for a frontend so it contains the same OS that you want on the backends.

Create a Jumbo pallet

You're going to have to start with a stacki frontend. Follow the Frontend Install New but do it on a virtual machine. This gives you a minimal frontend and allows you to create additional pallets.

Once you have the frontend, copy the stacki 5.4 pallet to your frontend.

Then get whatever OS you want to use. In this example, we're using the rhel-server-7.4-x86_64-dvd.iso available from your RedHat subscription.

cd to the largest directory on the frontend, usually /export. scp or wget your OS iso to /export.

# cd /export
# wget
# wget

Create an iso with with both the Stacki and CentOS inside, using defaults:

# stack create pallet stacki-5.4-redhat7.x86_64.disk1.iso CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso

You should see this:

Building stacki+CentOS-5.4_20191004_a246ab2-redhat7.x86_64 ...
	copying stacki
	copying CentOS
Copying CentOS 7-redhat7 pallet ...
Pallet is 4951.3MB
Building ISO image for disk1

And you'll see we have a stacki+CentOS-5.4_20191004_a246ab2-redhat7.x86_64.disk1.iso pallet.

# ls *.iso
CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso                 stacki+CentOS-5.4_20191004_a246ab2-redhat7.x86_64.disk1.iso

This pallet can be used in a Frontend Install - New instead of the stackios pallet to produce a frontend that will have Centos 7.6 as it's base OS.

There are options to the 'stack create pallet' that allow you to name (rather than the stacki+whatever*.iso) the pallet or version it.

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