Releases: Tensor46/TensorMONK
Releases · Tensor46/TensorMONK
0.3.1: Merge pull request #42 from Tensor46/develop
v0.3: Merge pull request #39 from Tensor46/develop
New Modules:
Architectures -
- AnatomyNet
- PointNet
- ResNeXt
- Squeeze and Excitation ResNet
- Squeeze and Excitation ResNeXt
- DenseNet
- Neural Decision Trees
Essentials - - CudaModel (regularize_weights, clip weights)
- DataSets (mnist/fashionmnist/cifar10/cifar100)
- MakeModel (BaseModel, SaveModel and LoadModel moved to MakeModel)
- MakeGIF
- VisPlots (show_images, show_weights and histograms)
Layers - - Activations (relu/relu6/lklu/elu/prelu/tanh/sigm/maxo/rmxo/swish)
- Normalizations (batch/group/instance/layer/pixelwise)
- Linear (with all activations and flexible out_shape)
- Convolution (Convolution/ConvolutionTranspose + Normalization + Activation)
- LossFunctions (+ LCML, Center loss, LMGM loss, TripletLoss, DiceLoss)
- ConvolutionalSAE (Base block for stacked auto encoder)
utils - - corr_1d (correlation)
- xcorr_1d (cross correlation)
- DoH (determinant of Hessian)
- HessianBlob (Aggregates determinant of Hessian with various width)
- GaussianKernel
- DoG (Difference of Gaussian)
- DoGBlob (Accumulates DoG's at different scales)
- roc (reciever operating curve)
- ImageNetNorm (ImageNet normalization)
- ConvolutionTranspose (merged to Convolution with transpose argument)