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cgrand committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent ad5d88e commit 4898d4d
Showing 1 changed file with 260 additions and 0 deletions.
260 changes: 260 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
# ClojureDart

## The language

This assumes basic knowledge of another Clojure dialect.

### Word of warning
Interop is core to Clojure, and it differs from host to host. Dart is both more strongly typed and less dynamic than Java.
This lack of dynamism is the price for excellent tree-shaking and fast startup.

### CLI
clj -M:cljd init
clj -M:cljd flutter # automatically compile and hot reload; press RETURN to force restart
clj -M:cljd compile # AOT compilation (eg for deploying)
clj -M:cljd clean # to exit the twilight zone
clj -M:cljd upgrade # stay current w/ CLJD
clj -M:cljd test

### Using Dart packages
In the ns form, `:require` as usual but with a string instead of a symbol:
(ns my.project
 ["package:flutter/material.dart" :as m]))

### Types and aliases
Unlike Clojure/JVM, types can be prefixed by an alias. `m/ElevatedButton` refers to `ElevatedButton` in the package aliased by `m`.

### Types and nullability
In ClojureDart, `^String x` implies `x` can’t be `nil`.

Use `^String? x` to allow for `nil`.

### Parametrized types
Unlike Clojure/JVM, generics do exist at runtime so ClojureDart has to deal with them. Dart's `List<Map>` becomes `#/(List Map)`

`#/(List Map)` is just read as the `List` symbol with some metadata! Thus you can write `^#/(List Map) x`.

### Property access
Instance properties:
* get `(.-prop obj)`,
* set `(.-prop! obj x)` or `(set! (.-prop obj) x)`

Static properties: m/Colors.purple, this can even be chained m/Colors.purple.shade900 or even terminated with a method call
(m/Colors.purple.shade900.withAlpha 128).

### `:flds`, Object destructuring
`:keys`, `:strs` and `:syms` are proud to introduce `:flds` their object-destructuring counterpart.

(let [{:flds [height width]} size] …) is equivalent to:
(let [height (.-height size)
width (.-width size)]

### Constructors
In Dart, constructors do not always allocate, they can return existing instances. That’s why there’s no `new` nor trailing `.` (dot) in ClojureDart.
Default constructors are called with classes in function position:

(StringBuffer "hello")

Named constructors are called like static methods.

(List/empty .growable true)

### Understanding Dart signatures
writeAll(Iterable objects,
[String separator = ""])

One (positional) parameter `objects` of type `Iterable`, one optional positional parameter `separator` of type `String` whose default value is `""`.

RegExp(String source,
{bool multiLine = false,

 bool caseSensitive = true})
One (positional) parameter `source` of type `String`, two optional named `bool` parameters `multiLine` (defaults to `false`) and `caseSensitive` (defaults to `true`).

any(bool test(E element))

One (positional) parameter: `test`, a function of one parameter `element` of type `E` (itself a type parameter) returning a `bool`.

### Named arguments
Some Dart functions and methods expect named arguments (`argname: 42` in Dart), in ClojureDart it’s `.argname 42`.

(m/Text "Hello world"
 .maxLines 2
 .softWrap true
 .overflow m/TextOverflow.fade)

### Optional params (named or not)
Sometimes interop requires implementing a function or method taking Dart optional parameters.

* `[a b c .d .e]` means three positional parameters and two (optional) named ones: `d` and `e`.

* `[a b c ... d e]` five positional parameters, three fixed and two optional.

* `[.a 42 .e]` two named parameters `a` and `b` where `a` defaults to `42`.
* `[... a 42 b]` two optional positional parameters `a` and `b` where `a` defaults to `42`.

### Enums
Enums values are just static properties on types.
e.g. `m/TextAlign.left`

### Consts and const opt-out
Dart has `const`s: deduplicated compile-time constant expressions in which `const` constructors may participate. It’s an opt-in mechanism.

Consts instances are really constrained because they are not instanciated at runtime: they are part of a memory snapshot created during compilation and restored at startup. It's fast.

ClojureDart maximally infers const expressions. In some rare occasion (like creating a sentinel or a token) you have to tag the expression as `:unique`: `^:unique (Object)`; otherwise you always get the same instance.

### Creating classes
`reify`, `deftype` and `defrecord` gets new powers.

#### `:extends`
Extending classes, even abstract ones!

The `:extends` option specifies a class or a constructor call (the super constructor call).

#### mixins
Mixin types must be tagged with `^:mixin`.

#### operators
Dart supports operators overloading but not all operators make valid Clojure symbol (`[]=` for example). That’s why it’s valid ClojureDart to have strings as methods names.

(. list "[]=" i 42) ; list[i] = 42

It’s also valid to use strings-as-names when implementing operator overloads as part of a class definition.

### Getters/Setters
Dart properties are not all fields: most are getters/setters. However they behave like fields, you get them `(.-prop obj)` and you set them `(set! (.-prop obj) 42)` or `(.-prop! obj 42)`.

Getters and setters are defined as regular methods in the body of a `reify`/`deftype`/`defrecord`. A getter expects one parameters (`[this]`) while a setter expects two (`[this v]`).

If the property is defined in a parent class or interface, you don’t need anything more. If the property is newly introduced by the type you need to tag the method name with `^:getter` or `^:setter`.

## `cljd.flutter`: more Flutter,
less clutter!
`cljd.flutter` does not aspire to be a framework. It’s an utility lib to cut down on the boilerplate and thus to make Flutter more pleasing to Clojurists palates. Bon Appétit!

### Require this! It’s dangerous to go alone...
Add the following like to your `ns`'s `:require`:
[cljd.flutter :as f]
[“package:flutter/material.dart” :as m]

### `f/run [& widget-body]`
Called from main, it's the starting point a Flutter application. Its body is interpreted as per `f/widget`.

Additionally it helps making the app more reload-friendly.

### `f/widget [& widget-body]`
Mother of all macros. Evaluates to a `Widget`.
Its body is made of interleaved expressions and directives.
Directives are always keywords followed by another form. Directives range from the mundane `:let` to the specific `:vsync`.
Expressions are `.child-threaded`.

### `.child-threading`
Inside a `widget-body`, expressions are threaded through the named param `.child`:

(m/Text "hello"))

is equivalent to:

(m/Center .child (m/Text "hello"))

When the two expressions are separated by a dotted symbol, this symbol is used to thread them:

(m/ColoredBox .color m/
(m/Text "Don't stop it now!”))
expands into:
.color m/
(m/Text "Don't stop it now!”)))))

### `:let` directive

`(f/widget :let [some bindings] …)` expands to `(let [some bindings] (f/widget …))`.

### `:key` directive
Keys are primordial for recognizing sibling widgets in a list (or anywhere a .children argument is expected) updates after updates without losing or mixing state.
It will wrap its value inside a ValueKey so that you don’t have to.

### `:watch` directive — or how to react to IO and state
`:watch` takes a bindings vector. Unlike `:let`, expressions must be watchable and binding forms will be successively bound to values produced by their watchable.

:watch [v an-atom]
(m/Text (str v)))

When `an-atom` changes, everything after `:watch` will update with `v` bound to the current value of `an-atom`.

#### Watchables
`nil`, atoms, cells, `Stream`s, `Future`s, `Listenable`s and `ValueListenable`s and any extension of the `Subscribable` protocol.

#### Cells
Great for maintaining and reusing derived state; tip: try to share them via inherited bindings (see `:bind`) rather than function arguments.
`f/$` (“cache”) creates a cell.

`(f/$ expr)`, like a spreadsheet cell, updates its value each time a dependency changes.

Dependencies can be any watchable including other cells. Dependencies are read using `f/<!` (“take”). `f/<!` can be used in any function called directly or indirectly from a cell.

### `:managed` directive
Automatic lifecycle management for `*Controllers` and the like.

`:managed` takes a bindings vector like `:let` but expressions must produce objects in need of being disposed (using the `.dispose` method by default).

### `:bind` directive
Dynamic binding but along the widgets tree, not the call tree. Inherited bindings in Flutter speak.

`:bind {:k v}` establishes an inherited binding from `:k` to `v` visible from all descendants.

### `:get` directive
`:get [:k1 :k2]` retrieves values bound to `:k1` and `:k2` via `:bind` and binds these values to `k1` and `k2` in the lexical scope (the following forms).

`:get [m/Navigator]` retrieves instance returned by `(m/Navigator.of context)` and lexically binds it to `navigator` -- implicit kebab-casing of teh Dart name.

### `:context` directive — when Flutter lacks context
`:context ctx` binds ctx to a `BuildContext` instance.

This comes handy when you have to pass a `BuildContext` to a Flutter call. However many usages of contexts in Flutter code are better served by `:get`.

### `:vsync` directive — chasing the electron beam across a phosphor screen

`:vsync clock` binds `clock` to a `TickerProvider`, generally required by animations.

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