Hey! Welcome to my space. I'm T-Stark, the only Spirit that dwells in cyberspace👻. Lots of fun stuff to explore, just walk with me 🌠🤩. I'm a software engineer and DevOps engineer ☁️ + technical writer✍ & Web 3.0 enthusiast. I write Golang, Typescript, Python, and C++ to build secure and scalable server-side applications on the web🌐. I'm currently exploring the world of scalable server systems, AI, and flying vehicles (UAVs/Drones)🚀.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Engineering & Systems programming (building autopilot software for Drones).
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects(As many as possible!)
- 💬 Ask me about Node.js/Express.js, Golang, C++, Databases, DevOps, and UAVs.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- LinkedIn: Timilehin Omolana
Also read my technical articles and tutorials on MakeUseOf: Timilehin Omolana
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him