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Thank you for taking the time to grade this project. Below you will find the specifications and expected behaviors of the API endpoints. They are presented in a sequence that should provide as frictionless a grading experience as possible, but feel free to tackle them in any order you choose.

General Notes and Reminders

This file uses markdown table formatting to present the API endpoint behaviors in as clear a manor as possible. Markdown can be viewed in the browser via the GitHub page, using the Open Preview option in VSCode, or through your preferred markdown/text editor.

The project uses pipenv to manage the dependencies for the virtual environment. As a reminder, the process for installing dependencies via pipenv:

  • If pipenv is not currently installed, run the command pip install pipenv
  • In your termainal or console, navigate to this project's root directory (contains the files Pipfile, Pipfile.lock, and this file)
  • Use the command pipenv shell to enter the virtual environment
  • Run the command pipenv install to install the dependencies.

Also, remember to include the nessesary information about your local MySQL databases in the project's file:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'LittleLemon', # <-- update
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '3306',        # <-- update
        'USER': 'root',        # <-- update
        'PASSWORD': '',        # <-- update
        'OPTIONS': {
            'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'",

Static Content

The address for serving the rendered static content is Static assests are referenced and rendered through the template page index.html.

Unit Testing

There are only two unit tests provided in this project. They can be run using the following command: python test tests\.

API Endpoints

Endpoints that require an authentication token have been indicated in the table below.

Endpoint Method Token Required Client Payload Expected Behavior
user creation and authentication
/auth/users/ POST --- username, email, password Creates a new user account. Returns serialized User object data.
/auth/token/login/ POST --- username, password Creates an authentication token for the given user. Returns the generated token.
menu items
/api/menu-items/ POST yes title, price, inventory Creates new MenuItem. Returns serialized data for MenuItem object.
/api/menu-items/ GET yes --- Returns an array of serialzed MenuItem objects.
/api/menu-items/<int:pk> GET yes --- Returns serialzed MenuItem object with the corresponding id.
/api/menu-items/<int:pk> PUT, PATCH yes title, price, inventory Update MenuItem object with the corresponding id.
/api/menu-items/<int:pk> DELETE yes --- Remove MenuItem object with the corresponding id.
/restaurant/bookings/tables/ GET yes --- Returns array of serialized Booking objects.
/restaurant/bookings/tables/ POST yes name, no_of_guests, booking_date Reservers a table. Returns serialized Booking object data.
user creation and authentication
/auth/token/logout/ GET yes --- Invalidates the token for the associated user. Returns no payload.


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