A tutorial that teaches the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JS. By completing this tutorial you will learn how to write HTML to create structured webpage, use CSS to style the contents of a page, and use JavaScript to implement business logic.
The end product of the tutorial will be a mock up of an ecommerce web page. While it won't actually be a sales platform, it will:
- Load data from JSON
- Display the JSON data as HTML
- Use JS to create shopping cart functionality
- You will be able to add items to a cart
- display the items in the cart
- add, remove, and update the items in the cart
- calculate and display the total cost of items in the cart.
- Getting Started
- HTML Semantics
- Header and Navbar
- Styling Header
- Displaying Moods
- Styling Moods
- Shopping Cart
- Displaying the Cart in the Console
- Incrementing and Decrementing cart items
- Updating qty with input
- Display the total cost of the cart
- Shopping Cart Style
- Liya Tilahun