A graded list of topics you'll need to learn to be a professional Angular developer with an opinionated, curated list of links to study materials.
Note: This is still under construction.
- Angular basics: components, templates, modules and services
- Routing
- Forms
- Basic Angular Architecture
- Observables
- RxJs
- Reactive programming
- Testing
- Modules for features
- Typescript
- Dependency Injection
- Animations
- Lazy loading
- Angular DevTools Extension
- Dynamic Forms & Custom Validators
- Interceptors
- Guards
- Directives
- Pipes
- Error handling
- RxJS marble testing
- State Management
- Internationalisation
- DOM manipulation
- Building form elements: Control Value Accessor
- Route Resolvers
- Dynamic component loaders
- Published Libraries
- Advanced Injection Tokens and Factories
- forRoot config in modules
- Performance
- Service Workers & PWA
- Web Workers
- Schematics