A Terraria rework in Rust.
Rustaria has been designed from the ground up to be modular and easily support mods with unique experiences. For docs you can find them not here as they are not done yet. lol
The core is written in Rust which brings very lightweight servers and super high performance clients.
Contributions are always welcome!
To build rustaria you need to have the rust toolchain installed on your OS. Please do so using rustup
- Rust Toolchain (use
please) - An internet connection.
- A PC with a keyboard, mouse and monitor.
Clone both rustaria
and oxidizer
, then build oxidizer and move the binary (./target/release) to your Terraria Content directory.
# Windows
C:/Program Files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Terraria/Content/oxidizer.exe
# Linux
Now run oxidizer in the terminal and then move the generated files to your development enviorment.
# We are in ./Terraria/Content/
# this is a generated folder by oxidiser.
cd ./rustaria
mv -r ./sprite $RUSTARIA_DEV/plugin/asset
Now you have the Terraria assets in the plugin directory.
To compile rustaria you will need to be able to build GLFW if you are compiling the Client as we use that for our windowing. You can find compile instructions for you system here.
# We are in ./rustaria. the (type) is either "client-old" or "server".
cd ./runtime/(type)/run/
# If you are planning to rapidly develop rustaria remove the --release tag as that heavily increases build times.
cargo build --release
All of the assets and all of the gameplay mechanics are property of Re-Logic (https://re-logic.com/). While i have made a couple attempts of getting in contact with them about explicit permission to remake their game, none of them have been successful. While we don't bundle any of the assets and require you to own a copy of Terraria to play rustaria, we are technically making a clone/ripoff. If you work at Re-Logic or is one of their lawyers please contact me directly at ([email protected]).