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Our SDK to enable communication with our Fjorden Camera Grip

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  • iOS 14
  • Xcode 13
  • Swift Package Manager or manual integration

Quick start

⚠️ There are a couple of bugs in SPM and/or Xcode that might break Xcode Cloud and/or SwiftUI preview. Packages that define a dynamic framework seem to break Xcode Cloud, e.g. DataDog/dd-sdk-ios#624 (comment),, simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI#8. We can't change our SDK to be a static library, because we rely on other frameworks as well. Static libraries via SPM also seem to break SwiftUI previews (DataDog/dd-sdk-ios#949, The most reliable way to integrate the FjordenSDK at the moment is to manually add the latest .xcframework file to your workspace & include it in your repository.


Add to your Package.swift file or via Xcode → Add Packages… & paste the URL into the search field.


Download the latest release from the Release tab. Unzip, and drag the xcframework files into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your target.

Quick Start

The central class of everything you need is the GripManager. You can access it using GripManager.default. You have to call configure() before anything else can be accessed.

The grip manager comes with different operations modes: The default one uses the system's bluetooth stack. Therefore it will only work on a physical device, Bluetooth on the iOS simulator is not supported. You can also run in simulated mode, to simulate any kind of situation to test your integration. Under the hood it completely mocks CoreBluetooth and doesn't touch the hardware at all. This is the default when running the SDK on the simulator.

To use the normal mode, simply call configure(), otherwise pass the desired operation mode GripManager.default.configure(with: .simulated).

The Fjorden SDK is based around async/await, but offers fallback using closures. Xcode should be smart enough to pick the correct version of the API depending on the surrounding context.

Connection Flow

‼️ Make sure to add a NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription to your Info.plist, otherwise your app will crash the first time you are trying to connect to a new grip!

Setting up a new grip

To trigger the system alert to ask for Bluetooth permission, start the grip manager using start(options: [.askForBluetoothPermission]).

Once the user has given permission, you can start scanning for available Fjorden grips using GripManager.default.startScanningForFjordenGrips(). If there is a grip (or multiple grips) around, the method will be called every time the signal strength of a discovered grip updates. The SDK handles deduplication, so you can always simply take the reported grip(s), no need to filter them yourself.

We don't include any kind of UI in our SDK, so it will be your job to present a list of found devices to the user. When selecting a grip, call GripManager.default.connect(toGrip: selectedGrip) passing the grip the user selected. This will trigger a system alert from iOS, asking to confirm bonding to the device. Once pairing is confirmed, the grip is considered connected, and the GripManager transitions into the .connected(ConnectedGrip) state.

Restore Connection on App Launch

Call GripManager.default.start() as soon as your app launches. By design, this method doesn't trigger anything that requires user input, so it is always safe to call. If you have paired a grip before, it will try to connect it. If it isn't available, it will time out after 5.0 seconds. Usually the system re-connects to a grip as soon as you turn it on, even if your app with the Fjorden SDK is not running.

You can change this timeout using a custom GripManager.Configuration, then pass it when setting up the grip manager GripManager.default.configure(with: custom)

If Bluetooth access isn't allowed, unauthorized will be returned.

Forget a configured grip

In order to fully forget a paired grip, you have to call GripManager.default.disconnectAndForgotBondedGrip(). Afterwards, you have to direct users to -> Bluetooth -> Fjorden Grip, let them tap the blue i button, and select “Forget this device”. Sadly, there is no programmatic way to achieve this.


The GripManager exposes a state property you can read at all times.

React to changes

If you are interested being informed when the state changes, call subscribeToStateChanges(). See examples below.

for await state in GripManager.default.subscribeToStateChanges() {


GripManager.default.subscribeToStateChanges { [weak self] state in

Grip Events

List of available events ↗

React to Events


guard case .connected(let grip) = GripManager.default.state else {
   assertionFailure("Not connected to any grip")

for await event in grip.subscribeToEvents() {

Callback Closure

guard case .connected(let grip) = GripManager.default.state else {
   assertionFailure("Not connected to any grip")

grip.subscribeToEvents { [weak self] event in

Firmware Upgrades

When first connecting to a grip, the SDK makes sure the grip has the min. required firmware. We don’t expect the communication interface between the SDK & the grip will change once we start shipping, but how knows :) In case the firmware is too old, the SDK will throw an error. If that happens, you should direct users to the Fjorden app to update the grip.

macOS Simulator

We will add a little app you can run on your Mac (or second iOS device) that will act as a simulator for the Fjorden hardware. It will show up as Fjorden Grip Simulator first, but then will use the name of your device for the bond—this is sadly a limitation we can't work around at this point. Due to more limitation in CoreBluetooth, the simulator can only simulate grip events, not scenarios where the firmware needs upgrading. We will update this section with the download link once available.