This is a git for all our work during the 2019 - 2020 Algorithms 2 class. The projects included here are:
- EPIC CALCULATOR (Contains Slots, Tetris, Etc.)
- Mapping Program
- More Coming Soon!
Use "ci skip" to not trigger tests - Github Pages - Coverety - Travis CI
- Slots:
- Simplistic slots - Works
- User system - Implementing
- With calclauncher - TODO
- Web Abilities - TODO
- Improved Graphics - TODO
- Calc Pipeline:
- Input - DONE
- Remove whitespace - TODO
- Check validity - TODO
- Create postfix - DONE
- Evaluate - DONE
- Output - DONE
- Mapping
- Algorithms
- Dijkstra’s - Works
- Bellman-Ford’s - Works
- Floyd-Warshall’s - Works
- Prim’s - Works
- Kruskal’s algorithm - Works
- Kruskal’s alternative - TODO
- Ford-Fulkerson - TODO
- Dinic's - TODO
- Map Files - Works
- Matrix - Works
- Node-Vertex - Works
- C Map Processing
- Map Read - TODO
- Map Conversion - TODO
- Max Creation - TODO
- Python Map Processing
- Map Read - Works
- Map Conversion - Works
- Max Creation - Works
- Algorithms
- Tetris
- Advanced Graphical System
- Ncurses - Working
- Advanced GUI Control - TODO
This project is licenced under the GNU public license. If you are crazy enough to use this in your project, please notify us so we can give you better code! (And also we can feel better about ourselves)
This project is in no way safe. All uses of this code is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY. (See license for more detail) This project was quickly hacked together as a final project. Even though we are aware there are many security issues with our software, feel free to message us about them.