Codes in this repo has been written by Eugene Gan, Ng Jing Ting and Tay Hui Yi for SP3172 - Decoding Capsule Synthesis, under Prof. Sham Lok To.
The notebook allows users to colour their structures generated from AlphaFold with the pLDDT values generated. A new PDB file with the b-factor column edited with pLDDT values will be created. Opening the file with softwares such as PyMol will allow the user to view the coloured structure.
Brief instructions
- Change working directory to the location with all necessary files, i.e. PDB structure, pkl file
- Provide the name of the new PDB file generated in the last cell, i.e."your_filename.pdb")
- BioPython is needed to run the code
The script, "", allows users to extract glycosyltransferase (GT) sequences from the genomes of organisms. A new fasta file is generated with the nucleotide sequence of each GT of a particular serotype.
Brief instructions
- Remove ID details (e.g. ID 35F_pne74 standard; DNA; UNC; 15137 BP.)
- Indicate path to the embl file containing the serotypes genome under the variable, "file"
- Indicate path and provide the name of the new text file generated under the variable, "fout"
- Run the code
- BioJava is needed to run the code
This notebook allows users to translate nuleotide sequences, and loop the process to translate a large number of sequences. Individual files of translated sequences will be written, which may be collated using Step 4 in the notebook.
Brief instructions
- All files should be in FASTA format
- All FASTA files should be in the same working directory
- To carry out Step 4, all translated files should be in the same working directory, which ONLY contain the files to be merged.
- Biopython is needed to run the code
- Detailed explanation and instructions are within the notebook, commented out.
- The code in all notebooks can be looped to edit multiple files at a time, though it is not included.