An extension of the YamlDotNet library that allows the user to resolve deserialized objects to their position within the source YAML.
Requires .NET 6.0 and YamlDotNet 12.0. Install with nuget:
dotnet add YamlDotNet.Locations
LINQ expressions can be used as a typesafe method to query the locations of deserialized values, e.g:
var yaml = @"---
Prop1: hello you
- one
- two
// MyClass definition omitted for brevity
var (deserialiedValue, locator) = LocatingDeserializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(yaml);
// Output: (2:1)-(7:1)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation(x => x));
// Output: (3:3)-(7:1)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation(x => x.Object));
// Output: (3:10)-(3:19)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation(x => x.Object.Prop1));
// Output: (5:5)-(7:1)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation(x => x.Object.Collection));
// Output: (6:7)-(6:10)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation(x => x.Object.Collection[1]));
String based LINQ-style query expressions can also be used:
var yaml = @"---
Prop1: hello you
- one
- two
// MyClass definition omitted for brevity
var (deserialiedValue, locator) = LocatingDeserializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(yaml);
// Output: (2:1)-(7:1)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation( "."));
// Output: (3:3)-(7:1)
Console.WriteLine(locator.GetLocation( ".Object"));
// Output: (3:10)-(3:19)
// Output: (5:5)-(7:1)
// Output: (6:7)-(6:10)
This library works by exploiting the internal implementation details of YamlDotNet. While it has good test coverage, if these implementation details change in the future, it may stop working correctly.