Currently under alpha development phase
If you have an ARM Template JSON file. This CLI tool can analyze the file and output,
- Resource Analytics
- Total number of resources
- Total number of resources with
- Module Analysis
- Total number of modules (Resource type:
) - Check whether it has any duplicate modules
- In case of duplicate modules, print their names
- Currently, only work with static module names
- Total number of modules (Resource type:
npx armate@latest <arm_template_json_path>
If the current directory contains a deployment.json
, run:
npx armate@latest deployment.json
this tool will analyze it and print the result in the following format:
| Resource Analytics |
> Total Resources: 6
> Preview Versions Used: 1
[*] Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings : 2021-05-01-preview
| Module Analytics |
> Total Modules: 15
> Module Names are Unique? false
> Duplicate Module Names: 3
[*] service_plan_deployment
[*] analytics_deployment
[*] storage_deployment
The example output indicates that the ARM template has 3 duplicate module names. Each of them is used in more than one module.