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PostgreSQL Performance Bench

This tool provides methods to run standard(TPC-B) and custom pgbench benchmarks on a PostgreSQL database with detailed report generation. A key feature of the tool is its capability to configure reports according to the type of information gathered:

  • Adding the result of executing a bash script on the database host;
  • Adding the result of executing an SQL script on the database;

The application offers support for two configurations of database connections:

  • SSH - database located on a remote host;
  • Container - database located in a Docker container;


  • Pre-installed PostgreSQL client applications: psql, pgbench. For example, using:
sudo apt install postgresql-client
sudo apt install postgresql-contrib
  • Python 3.11 and pip3:
cd /usr/src
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvf Python-3.11.7.tar.xz
sudo cd Python-3.11.7

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libffi-dev gcc

./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.11
make altinstall

sudo ln -sf /opt/python3.11/bin/python3.11 /usr/bin/python3.11
sudo ln -sf /opt/python3.11/bin/pip3.11 /usr/bin/pip3.11

python3.11 --version
  • Create a Python 3.11 virtual environment in the project's root directory for ease of use:
cd pg_perfbench
python3.11 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install additional packages for Python 3.11, for example, using:
 pip install -r requirements.txt
  • For the tool to work, the database must be accessible under the user postgres or another specified user with SUPERUSER rights
  • Before running the tests, install and configure Docker access for the user who will be running the tool:
sudo apt-get install docker
sudo apt-get install
chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
  • To ensure successful use, first thoroughly explore the capabilities of the tool and run the tests.

Configuring options

pg_perfbench supports two modes: 'join' and 'benchmark'.
In 'benchmark' mode, the application loads the configured database instance and generates a report based on the report_struct.json template.
In 'join' mode, the application compares reports with each other, the path to which can be specified via the --input-dir flag (by default set to 'report' in the project root), according to criteria described in join_tasks JSON files in the project root.

Service options

Parameter Description
--help, -h Lists all the available options or flags that can be used with the command,
along with a short description of what each option does and after which exit occurs.
--log-level Application logging level: info, debug, error.
Default - info
--clear-logs Clearing logs from the tool's previous session.
Logs are located in the 'logs' folder of the root directory.

Configuring pg_perfbench in benchmark mode

Connection options

SSH connection

Parameter Description
--ssh-port Port for ssh connection (default: 22)
--ssh-host IP address of the remote server
--ssh-key Path to the ssh connection private key file (must be configured)
--remote-pg-host Host of the remote server's database (default:
--remote-pg-port Port of the remote server's database (default: 5432)
  • The SSH connection user is postgres. Configure SSH access keys on the database server to establish a connection to the postgres user:
# ========================================
# Actions on the pg_perfbench host
# ========================================

# create an ssh key at the path you specify 
mkdir -p path/to/your/postgres_keys/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "postgres" -f postgres_keys/.ssh/id_rsa
ls postgres_keys/.ssh
chmod 700 postgres_keys/.ssh
chmod 644 postgres_keys/.ssh/
chmod 600 postgres_keys/.ssh/id_rsa 
scp postgres_keys/.ssh/ <user>@<database_server_address>:/tmp
# ========================================
# Actions on the data base server
# ========================================
cat >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config << EOL
systemctl restart sshd
mkdir /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh
cat /tmp/ >> /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh
chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh

Example of specified ssh connection arguments:


Docker connection

Preconfigure access to Docker for the user who is running the tool.

Parameter Description
--image-name Docker image name (must be pre-installed)
--container-name Name of creating container
--docker-pg-host Container PostgreSQL database host (default:
--docker-pg-port Container PostgreSQL database port (default: 5432)

Example of specified docker connection arguments:


Common instruction

When utilizing an SSH connection, ensure that the postgres user has the privilege to clear the file system cache on the database server. For a Docker connection, identify the user operating the tool and execute the following command on the tool host.:

# ========================================
# Actions on the data base server
# ========================================
echo ' $(whoami) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo 3 | /usr/bin/tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo -f /etc/sudoers

Database and workload options

PostgreSQL database options:

The flags pg_host and pg_port are optional parameters for forwarding the address and port from the current host to the database host, used directly by the tool.

Parameter Description
--pg-port Forwarded port (default 5432, relative to the current host)
--pg-host Forwarded address (default, relative to the current host)
--pg-user User of database (must be configured or set "postgres")
--pg-database Database used for testing
--pg-user-password Password for database connection (optional)
--pg-data-path Path to the PostgreSQL data directory (relative to the database host)
--pg-bin-path Path to the PostgreSQL bin directory (relative to the database host)
--collect-pg-logs Enable database logging (logging must be configured by the user)
--custom-config Use custom PostgreSQL config

Workload options:

Parameter Description
--benchmark-type The benchmark to use: default, custom
--pgbench-clients pgbench benchmarking arguments: --clients, is set as an array (e.g. 1,2,3)
--pgbench-jobs pgbench benchmarking arguments: --jobs, is set as an array (e.g. 1,2,3)
--pgbench-time pgbench benchmarking arguments: --time, is set as an array (e.g. 1,2,3)
--pgbench-path Specify the pgbench path (relative to the current host)
--psql-path Specify the psql path (relative to the current host)
--init-command Terminal command to create a table schema (relative to the current host)
--workload-command Terminal command for loading the database (relative to the current host)
  • Use placeholders to set values in the table schema and load testing commands: configure placeholders like 'ARG_'+ <DB|Workload options>.

    For example, you can configure pgbench by specifying the path of the load files (this example describes the full set of arguments for ssh connection):
python3.11 -m pg_perfbench --mode=benchmark \
--collect-pg-logs \
--custom-config=/tmp/user_postgresql.conf \
--log-level=debug \
--ssh-port=22 \
--ssh-key=path/to/private_key \
--ssh-host= \
--remote-pg-host= \
--remote-pg-port=5432 \
--pg-host= \
--pg-port=5435 \
--pg-user=postgres \
--pg-user-password=test_user_password \
--pg-database=tdb \
--pg-data-path=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
--pg-bin-path=/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin \
--benchmark-type=custom \
--pgbench-clients=5,10,50 \
--pgbench-time=600 \
--workload-path=/path/to/workload \
--pgbench-path=/usr/bin/pgbench \
--psql-path=/usr/bin/psql \
--init-command="cd ARG_WORKLOAD_PATH && ARG_PSQL_PATH -p ARG_PG_PORT -h ARG_PG_HOST -U postgres ARG_PG_DATABASE -f ARG_WORKLOAD_PATH/table-schema.sql" \

or standard pgbench load (this example shows all arguments needed to load a database in a Docker container):

python3.11 -m pg_perfbench --mode=benchmark \
--log-level=debug \
--collect-pg-logs \
--custom-config=/tmp/user_postgresql.conf \
--image-name=postgres:15 \
--container-name=cntr_expected \
--docker-pg-host= \
--docker-pg-port=5432 \
--pg-host= \
--pg-port=5435 \
--pg-user=postgres \
--pg-user-password=test_user_password \
--pg-database=tdb \
--pg-data-path=/var/lib/postgresql/tantor-se-1c-15/data \
--pg-bin-path=/opt/tantor/db/15/bin \
--benchmark-type=default \
--pgbench-clients=5,10,50 \
--pgbench-time=600 \
--pgbench-jobs=19 \
--init-command="ARG_PGBENCH_PATH -i --scale=100 --foreign-keys -p ARG_PG_PORT ARG_PG_HOST -U postgres ARG_PG_DATABASE" \

Configuring report

You can configure the JSON report template file pg_perfbench/reports/templates/report_struct.json. Add or remove reports of the following types:

  • "shell_command_file" - a report with the result of executing the specified bash script relative to the database host in the pg_perfbench/commands/bash_commands directory, for example:
"example_bash_report": {
  "header": "example_bash_header",
  "state": "collapsed",
  "item_type": "plain_text",
  "shell_command_file": "",
  "data": ""
  • "sql_command_file" - a report with the result of executing the specified SQL script in the database located in the pg_perfbench/commands/sql_commands directory, for example:
"example_sql_report": {
    "header": "example_sql_header",
    "state": "collapsed",
    "item_type": <"plain_text", "table">,
    "sql_command_file": "sql_example.sql",
    "data": ""

Configuring pg_perfbench in join mode

Parameter Description
--join-task A JSON file containing a set of merge criteria,which are items of sections,
should be located in join_tasks at the root of the project
--input-dir Directory with reports on the load of a single database instance, files with
a 'join' prefix are ignored. The default directory set is 'report'
--reference-report The report specified as a benchmark for comparison with other reports. By default, the first report listed alphabetically in the --input-dir path is selected

Template for the comparison criteria file:

        "description": "Comparison of database performance across different configurations in the same environment using the same PostgreSQL version",
        "items": [

Example of argument configuration in join mode:

python3.11 -m pg_perfbench --mode=join \
--join-task=task_compare_dbs_on_single_host.json \
--reference-report=benchmark_report.json \

Running tests

When testing the tool, a Docker connection is used. Preconfigure access to Docker for the user who is running the tool.

  • specify the user from which the tool is run:
echo ' <pg_perfbench user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo 3 | /usr/bin/tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo -f /etc/sudoers
  • set PYTHONPATH variable:
cd pg_perfbench
pg_perfbench  requirements_dev.txt  tests
LICENSE log requirements.txt

export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  • single test running. Example of executing unit tests:
python -m unittest tests.test_cli.test_arg_parser -v --failfast
python -m unittest tests.test_context.test_workload -v --failfast
python -m unittest tests.test_docker.test_pg_perfbench -v --failfast
  • executing all tests:
    python -m unittest discover tests


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