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Remote Terminal for gaining access to a computer over the internet
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Usage :

Download Remote Terminal Client. After running the program, this your UUID: blahblah-blah-blah-blah-blahblahblah will printout on the console. copy the UUID, then come back to this website. Enter (If you wanna save the UUID to browser cookie hit the 'save icon') the UUID then hit 'GO!' . Then you will receive a Browser Terminal. The commands are as same as your OS terminal commands. Theres also some special commands like send keystrokes, get files, get screenshot, get webcam image etc.

Special Commands:

Command Arguments Description
cmdList Prints out all special commands
getFile file name Gets you the file from the target computer
Example getFile abc.jpeg
getScreen Captures a screenshot of client computer and send it via websocket
sendKeys # <hotkey>
| <delay>
You can send keystrokes to the target.
For example: hello,|5,#enter
Means, the string hello will be typed in the target computer, then it will pause for 5 seconds, then hit enter.
Notice, there's no space between commas
getWebcam Captures image from webcam and send it via websocket
terminate Shuts down the client program and terminates the connection


Remote Rerminal for gaining access to a computer over the internet






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