Owner: Lead Automation Engineer for Digital Melbourne (TABCORP) - Cameron Bradley
- /config
- /features
- custom_steps
- custom_steps.js
- definitions
- pages
- pages.json
- page_name.json
- pages
- feature.feature
- custom_steps
1.) Install the generic-common-protractor-framework into your project
npm install generic-cucumber-protractorc-framework@latest --save-dev
2.) Ensure your project has the following (required for the protractor_conf.js)
npm install cucumber@latest --save-dev
npm install protractor@latest --save-dev
npm install protractor-cucumber-framework@latest --save-dev
3.) Refer to the protractor_conf_example
Copy and paste the protractor-conf.js into /e2e/config and update accordingly.
- /definitions
- elements.js
- /fake_data
- /node_modules
- /step_definitions
- alert_steps.js
- env.js
- fake_data_steps.js
- form_steps.js
- general_steps.js
- hooks.js
- hotkey_steps.js
- json_path_steps.js
- navigation_steps.js
- rest_steps.js
- scroll_Steps.js
- stored_steps.js
- table_steps.js
- /support
- browsers.js
- fake_data.js
- form.js
- general.js
- helpers.js
- json_path.js
- navigation.js
- page.js
- pageObjects.js
- request.js
- request_payloads.js
- restConfig.js
- servers.js
- step_definitions_manager.js
- stored_data.js
- tag_manager.js
- waitFor.js
Packages installed by the common repository
WEB_SERVER - default = localhost
WEB_SERVER_PORT - default = 9000
LOCAL_API_ROUTE - default = blank
UAT_UI_ROUTE - default = blank
PREPROD_UI_ROUTE - default = blank
PRODUCTION_UI_ROUTE - default = blank
SPECIAL_EXCLUDED_TAGS - default = blank
BROWSER - default = chrome (option: firefox)
BROWSER_RESOLUTION - default = desktop (option: mobile, tablet or desktop)
MOBILE_UI_HEIGHT - default = 375
MOBILE_UI_WIDTH - default = 667
TABLET_UI_HEIGHT - default = 768
TABLET_UI_WIDTH - default = 1024
DESKTOP_UI_HEIGHT - default = 1200
DESKTOP_UI_WIDTH - default = 800
Then I fill in the "([^"]*)" input with "([^"]*)"
Then I select the "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" input should equal the value "([^"]*)"
When I clear the field "([^"]*)"
When I fill in the "([^"]*)" input with "([^"]*)" within the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
When I fill in the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" input with "([^"]*)" within the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link) I should be directed to the "([^"]*)" page
When I click the "([^"]*)" with the text "([^"]*)"
When I click the "([^"]*)" by text "([^"]*)" I should be directed to the "([^"]*)" page
When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
And I hover over the "([^"]*)"
And I refresh the page
And I click the "([^"]*)"
And I mouse over "([^"]*)"
And a new tab is opened with the url containing "([^"]*)"
When I click the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link) I should be directed to the "([^"]*)" page
When I click the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" by text "([^"]*)" I should be directed to the "([^"]*)" page
When I click the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" by text "([^"]*)" I should be directed to the "([^"]*)" page
When I click the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element) within the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)"
When I hover over the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)"
When I click the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|checkbox) within the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be displayed
Then the "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be present
Then the "([^"]*)" element within the "([^"]*)" should be present
Then the "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be enable
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" attribute "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" attributes "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" text "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" text "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" attributes "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" attribute "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" containing the text "([^"]*)" has a "([^"]*)" element
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the text "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" does not contain the text "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the value "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" contains no text
Then I can see "(\d*)" "([^"]*)" (?:buttons|links|icons|elements)
Then I can see more than "(\d*)" "([^"]*)" (?:buttons|links|icons|elements)
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" text "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" contains the text "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the text "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be present
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be displayed
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" attribute "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" attribute "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" element
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the "([^"]*)" text "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" contains the "([^"]*)" element
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" contains "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute contains the text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute does not contain the text for "([^"]*)"
Then I see the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" within the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)"
And I wait "([^"]*)" seconds
When I scroll down (\d+)$
When I scroll to the bottom of the page
When I scroll to the top of the page
When I scroll down (\d+) within the "([^"]*)"
Given I am on the "([^"]*)" page
Given I am directed to the "([^"]*)" page
Given I set the page to "([^"]*)"
Then I see the "([^"]*)" page title
When I navigate to the "([^"]*)" page
When I navigate directly to the "([^"]*)" page with the stored "([^"]*)"
When I have a created a "([^"]*)" for "([^"]*)" through the "([^"]*)"
When I retrieve and store the "(.*)" from "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the number of "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([^"]*)" number as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([^"]*)" input value as "([^"]*)"
When I store each "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute as "([^"]*)" for the "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)" less than the stored number for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" contains the stored "([^"]*)"
Then I see the "([^"]*)" and stored "([^"]*)" page title
When I store the number of "([^"]*)" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute text as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the last "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"
When I store the "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute text as "([^"]*)" within the "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute contains the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute does not contain the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute contains the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute does not contain the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" element attribute within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" does not contain the stored text for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" contains the stored "([^"]*)"
Then the "(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" "([^"]*)" number should be "([^"]*)" less than the stored number for "([^"]*)"
Then the "([^"]*)" table contains the following
Then the "([^"]*)" table does not contain the following
When I fill in the "([^"]*)" input with "([^"]*)" fake data