This project contains the Scilab source files for the high level simulation of a distributed buck converter with a lossy transmission line. In addition, we provided the details for a circuit simulation using LTspice® from Amalog Devices Inc.
Röbenack, K.; Gerbet, D.:
Current-Mode Control of a Distributed Buck Converter with a Lossy Transmission Line.
Electronics, 2024, Volume 13, Isssure 17, 3565.
You need to install the open source software Scilab. This software for engineers and scientists is available for several operating systems:
Our simulations were carried out with Scilab 2024.
The circuit simulations were carried out with LTspice®:
The src directory contains the source Scilab and Xcos files as well as the schematics files.
The data directory contains various data files.
The file context.sce contains the parameter values and constants for the simulation. It is called by the other script files.
The Scilab script file sim-step.sce calls the Xcos scheme sim-step.zcos.
The Scilab script file sim-pwm.sce calls the Xcos scheme sim-pwm.zcos.
Transient simulation with 6V reference voltage.
Transient simulation with 6.144V reference voltage.
Transient simulation with P controller.
Transient simulation with PI controller.
The Scilab script file bode1.sce visualizes the amplitude frequency responses for the different converter models:
The Scilab script file bode2.sce visualizes the open loop amplitude frequency responses for the conventional converter with and without controller:
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.