This repo allows a user to reference an existing Kafka Connect converter and inject one or more interceptors to alter the connect schema before the conversion is performed.
Note: This example uses the confluent AvroConverter, which needs to exist in the classpath on its own. This project doesn't provide this dependency.
value.converter: io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter false
value.converter.schema.registry.url: http://schema-registry.strimzi.svc.cluster.local:8081
value.converter.schemas.enable: "true"
could be intercepted by using this configuration
value.converter: com.tiki.lakehouse.kafka.connect.converter.InterceptionConverter
value.converter.wrapped.class: io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter false
value.converter.wrapped.config.schema.registry.url: http://schema-registry.strimzi.svc.cluster.local:8081
value.converter.wrapped.config.schemas.enable: "true"
value.converter.interceptors: com.tiki.lakehouse.kafka.connect.converter.interceptors.InitConnectDecimalFix
Fixes a missing property of the connect schema regarding Decimals (
).While using
you can observe the connect configuration below for Decimals. This configuration is missing the propertyconnect.decimal.precision
for kafka connect (using confluent) to successfully convert Decimals in a Avro Message usingio.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter
{ "scale": "3", "jcoType": "JCoBCDType", "length": "7", "decimals": "3" }
will be converted into :
{ "scale": "3", "jcoType": "JCoBCDType", "length": "7", "decimals": "3", "connect.decimal.precision": "7" }
by cloning the property